Monday, January 25, 2016

How Does My Body Work?

This is the one question you have to know the answer to. Knowing the answer to this question will make the difference between losing or not losing weight.

The mistake most people make when it comes to their body; is they think or take for granted that it works the same way it always did. Not really, everything that you do and everything you eat and drink will affect the way your body works. So tomorrow your body will react differently than it did today.

I've used this term before, but your body works in real time. If you're not eating properly or drinking enough water you're going to feel sluggish. You run out of energy. Of course, many of us are doing very little physical work that we don't realize that our energy level is low. Because we don't have any instincts that tell us what food are body needs, we usually end up eating something high in sugar to give us a sugar jolt and hope that it gets us through the afternoon.

You will always have enough energy if you understand what your body needs. After a night's sleep, your body is deprived of food and water. The past 8 or even 12 hours is the longest time in the day when your body has been deprived of all nutrition. First thing after you wake, you need a big glass of water. Then, that first hour, you need a big breakfast. Not necessarily a lot of food but a lot of nutrition.  Some people will go for ham and eggs or a big veggie omelette.  Others will make a protein shake with greek yogurt, low-fat milk and protein powder.  Some nutritionists will tell you to get 12 grams of protein for breakfast and some will say 25 grams of protein for breakfast.  After breakfast eat some protein like a greek yogurt or a protein shake or protein bar but try and eat some protein each time you eat. Eating protein will keep you from getting hungry.

The whole idea is to feed your body the right food all day and you won't get hungry. Eat something every few hours; don't wait until your hungry. I eat something every 2 to 3 hours and then stop eating about 3 hours before bed.  Feed your body fresh food even if you have to bring it from home. If you have to buy food with a label, read the label. Know what you're eating. Eat fresh food, that's where the nutrition is.

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