Monday, September 21, 2015

The Truth About This Gluten-free Craze

I read dozens of article about  gluten-free and enriched or processed wheat. First of all, gluten-free products are foods that have no processed or enriched wheat. At first consumers thought these foods were only for people with food allergies. But now we know that today's wheat is not your grandmother's wheat. Processed or enriched wheat can be just as dangerous as eating sugar products like fructose and just as habit forming.

So those of us watching our weight and those trying to lose weight need to avoid any enriched or processed foods and wheat in particular. Fortunately gluten-free products are very popular today and it's pretty easy to find a big section of gluten-free products in the major grocery stores. You can find bread, bagels, crackers even pizza crusts, cereals you name it, if it's made of flour there's probably a similar Gluten-Free product.

Science says the reason enriched wheat is bad for your diet is because it raises your blood sugar and not just a little but spikes it up and let you crash just as fast. That crash you get after the spike will cause 'food cravings' and in a short time you'll want more food. I know what your going to say "I don't eat that much at the table". And the reason for that is that it takes about one hour for blood sugar to crash. And by that time we don't go back to the table for more dinner but we do reach for snack food. Enriched or processed wheat is in all the snack food, chips pretzels, crackers, Chex,  and dozens  of other snacks.

Whether it's drinks or food the reason it seems like your constantly eating is because your blood sugar  jumping from super-high to super-low causes cravings so you think your still hungry and you want to eat more, but in reality your not hungry it's only a craving, your body is telling you that your blood sugar levels are low. It's not a trick, they are low and you did it to yourself by eating foods you shouldn't eat.

Avoid processed foods and any foods with enriched wheat flour.  So gluten -free will help you lose weight by avoiding food cravings caused be wheat and you can further help yourself by avoiding added sugar. Don't eat or drink anything with added sugar or sugar substitutes like fructose or corn syrup.

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