Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What's wrong With High-Fructose Corn Syrup

First, I want to mention that most developed countries don’t allow this chemical in food and it is a chemical even if it’s made from corn. In Mexico, for instance, like most other countries the quality of food is regulated by the government, and the only sweetener allowed is “pure cane sugar”. Pure cane sugar is so important to the flavor of Coca-Cola that they import Coca-Cola from Mexico in the original 6-ounce bottles, I’ve seen them in my local grocery store. Yes, coke from Mexico is more expensive but they don't use artificial sweeteners.

Did you know that there are 3 letters on food labels that you MUST avoid, especially if they’re at the beginning of the list of ingredients?

Those letters are OSE. Let me explain.

You see, spotting sugar on food labels isn’t quite as easy as it once was. Yep, now that food manufacturers are aware that consumers of the current day are much more discerning than those of yesteryear, they’re doing everything they can to disguise sugar on their lists of ingredients.

These days, it’s not likely that you’ll see “sugar” at the forefront of an ingredients list, but instead, you’ll see these code names:


And the worst of the worst is “high fructose corn syrup”.

If you see any of the above -[ose] words in the first 3 or 4 ingredients on a food label, rest assured that the product is LOADED with artificial sweetener and you should be avoiding it.

Beyond that, I’ll go as far as to say that if a product contains high fructose corn syrup (the worst of the worst man-made sugars) in ANY amount, you should avoid it like the plague. Simply put, the invention of high fructose corn syrup is one of the leading causes of obesity.

Beyond that, another non-sugar [-ose] word not listed above has become extremely popular in the last few years. While it doesn’t carry the sugar content that the above ingredients do, it’s been clinically shown to destroy essential, healthy bacteria in your gut. If you regularly consume products with this “other”[-ose] ingredient, you can really do a number on your immune system and digestive health.

Even worse, this non-sugar [-ose] ingredient is being added to “health foods” left and right, but it’s actually slowly destroying your health every time you consume it.

Two years ago, I made a choice to completely eliminate this ingredient from ever entering my body again. I recommend you do the same. Actually, by reading up on this I found out it's not one ingredient, it’s more of a class of ingredients that aren’t found in any other group.
Reading ingredient labels will definitely be a challenge at first. If you currently have a no-boundaries type of diet, then you have quite a shock waiting for you. There will be ingredients that you can barely pronounce, let alone know what they are. So, what are they? What is it that you are so willingly, yet unknowingly, putting into your body? Is it good? Is it bad? Are there side effects? Or do you even care at all?

I suggest that you start looking up these ingredients and reading up on them. Learn what they are and the effects they have on your health. This may be what finally facilitates you making that move – you know, the one you’ve wanted to do for so long, but keep putting off. The movement towards better health!

As you educate yourself on ingredients and reading labels, never get too comfortable that you believe what you read. What? Now that doesn’t make sense, does it? I’m telling you to read labels, but not to believe what you read. Well, the truth is, labels can be short of the truth. The FDA allows it. They have their guidelines, and if ingredients are in small enough amounts, then the FDA does not require that the ingredient be listed.

Recently I was doing a double take on the ingredients thinking that perhaps I missed something when I noticed “cultured dextrose.” I had no idea what it is. But hell, the packaging says VEGAN, and I know it’s not gluten, so I had never given it a second thought. I decided to look it up and found there’s much controversy as to whether or not it’s vegan, and whether or not it’s a preservative or chemical. Can you believe this? I mean, it’s literally a mystery…how weird is that? 

Do your own research and see if you can get a straight answer and if so, let me know! One article I read responded to the question “What is cultured dextrose” as follows:
This is a tough one, I can say that the name “cultured dextrose” doesn’t really specify what is within. Alcohol could be cultured dextrose, as could penicillin. This is one of those industry vernacular phrases, virtually designed to mask the actual nature of the ingredients.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. 

Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 

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