Getting to a healthy weight is about changing your lifestyle. Changing what you eat and how you eat. It takes planning to make a lifestyle change. You can’t just make small changes. You have to go all in and start from scratch by first designing a menu you can stick to.
You want to eat fresh. Think about that for a minute, fresh veggies, fresh fruit, frozen is o.k., but frozen without any sauce or syrup. You don’t want to buy any frozen foods that are already prepared and ready to heat and eat. When it comes to meat, poultry or fish be careful of the frozen packages. Read the labels to see if there are any added ingredients. Sodium is your enemy when you’re on a diet. Sodium and sugar or fructose (a chemical substitute for sugar) are two ingredients commonly used in frozen foods and both are not good for your diet.
I know it might cost extra but you want to buy any meat or seafood fresh and of the highest quality. I know you're thinking about your budget; Americans overdose on meat, for some reason we think we need to eat meat at every meal. The truth is seafood should only be eaten 3 times a week in small quantities like 4 ounces, poultry 1 time a week in 4 to 6-ounce quantity, and red meat which includes pork 1 or 2 times a month in 4-ounce quantities. That’s all you need. All meats contain animal fat, even if you can’t see the fat like you can on poultry it’s there and it goes straight to your stored fat area.
If you cut back on the meat you’re eating the cost of groceries shouldn’t change, even if you’re spending more on the meat you buy. In fact, eating fresh and only snacking on fruit, nuts, and seeds should be saving money. Also, drink mainly water, you can flavor it with lemon. Hot or ice tea (no sweetener), or black coffee (no sweetener) non-diary creamer is o.k., check the label for the calorie count.
When you get serious about losing weight you want to stop smoking. If you drink alcohol you want to cut back. Personally, I had to stop all beer and wine when I got serious. After you lose the body fat and get to a healthy weight, you can drink alcohol in moderation. Two drinks a day for a man, one drink a day for women. I don’t know why, that’s what all the books say.
Also if you're going to get to a healthy weight you want to "manage your stress." I understand that most of us have no idea how to do that and some of us don’t realize they have any stress. I was in my own business for 30 years and I know I had stress but I loved stress. Dead-lines, dealing with employees and tax management, I could handle it. Men especially like to be busy and until they have more than they can deal with, they don’t realize the stress they have. The reason I mention stress is that most people manage their stress by eating. Being busy causes a person to become hyper. Then when you want to slow-down, you’ll take a break and that’s when most of us will look for something to eat. It happened to me.
I learned to walk, when I stop working and want to think or just take a break, I’d get up and walk. I might walk for 10 minutes or more until I’m calm and have thought through the situation. When I’m working from home, I use a stationary bike for a break from writing. You might think that writing isn’t stressful but anytime you have to produce work in a certain amount of time, that’s stressful. Learning to manage your stress without eating is a big part of living healthy.
Research shows you can improve your health just by losing between 5% to 10% of your weight. Then depending on how much weight you have to lose, You probably will continue. It does get easier. Losing say, that the first 10% will give you more energy and you’ll feel it. That makes the next 10% easier because you’ll feel better and have more energy so your activity level will increase and you’ll burn more calories just by being more active.
Often when a person becomes overweight they lose the will to be active, therefore they burn fewer calories. That’s the downward spiral you can fall into and the slowing-down is so gradual you don’t realize you're slowing down. Have you ever wondered why an overweight person can eat less than a thin person but not lose weight? The thin person burns more calories naturally. They may not even work out, but they still burn more calories than someone overweight.
If you're someone who has been overweight for some time and has tried dieting, dieting restricts the amount of food you're eating and it’s not healthy. Forget those diets and change to a healthy meal plan. It will take some work on your part. You need to do some research and find a meal plan for yourself. The trick is to eat fresh. No processed foods, no already prepared foods, you make the food yourself.
If you don’t know where to start, you might think about "Weight Watchers”. A beginner, they know how to motivate you and keep you on the right track. You don’t have to stay forever, but you want to stay long enough to learn how to lose and how to keep it off. Don’t buy the food plan, you don’t have to and there are no pills involved. It’s a support program. They teach you how? If you're not a self-starter, this might be the way to go.
If there are no Weight Watchers near you, look online for a location near you or use the “online program”.
E-books are the easiest and cheapest way to learn about any subject without groping through hundreds of websites looking for the material you want.
My first e-book is “HowBadDoYouWantToLoseWeight” and it sells for $2.99 on most online bookstores like Amazon.com, BN.com, iBook, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, and Gardner books in the U.K.
My second e-book is available in the same stores. And on smashwords.com.

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