We all have fat cells all over the body, many of them under the skin, others around your organs. Those fat cells just sit there empty until the body fills them with fat. Remember that the main function of the body is to keep you alive and by filling fat cells can provide a cushion for vidal organ and a layer of fat under the skin can also keep you from freezing.
Today we have little use for fat except to protect vidal organs and joints. The problem is that your body doesn't have any mechanism that will let it know when you have enough body fat. 15% to 20% body fat is all we need and any more only slows down body functions and ages the body. Woman naturally are built to carry more body fat than a man, about 5% more.
Getting back to the question, Why do humans get fat? Because we are eating and drinking the wrong things and we are not active enough to keep are bodies working properly. The decline in body functions because of increased body fat happens so gradually that we don't notice it. We believe that increased body fat is simply a part of aging. It's the opposite, aging is not numerical, it has nothing to do with your years since birth. Aging is really caused by the slow decline in body functions that can begin between 5 and 10 years after maturity or in most cases around age 30. Must of us are so busy just trying to make a living or in some cases just trying to survive that we don't take care of the only body we have. We depend on doctors to do it for us. Doctors aren't able to keep your body working properly, they can only try to keep you alive, ease the pain, patch you up when you damage something, and help you cope with your illness. In short, they can make you feel better, and help you to live a little longer.
What doctors can't do is restore the body to the way it use to be. Humans are usually at their prime somewhere between the ages of 17 and 22. At the time your body and your organs are fully matured. By adding more weight after maturitywill only slow down the body functions and age the body. Some people 40 years old right now have aged their body as much as 20 years. In other words, they might be 40 but they have a 60 years old body. Their body is aging past their calendar years because of the way they live. Some of us have slowed down the aging process because of the way we live. And some of us have actually stopped the aging process by the way they live. Yes you can be 40 and have a body like a 30 year old.
There are more people today than in the past that want to eat better, exercise more, and live a healthier life, and I see more people trying. Depending on your age, you can't return to the way you once were, but any improvement you make will improve body functions and help you to live a healthier life. Some people give up when they get older. They thing isn't too late to improve myself, but it's never too late. Being more active will actually decrease body pains. Stretching and using hand weights to strengthen your body will increase motor skills, decrease joint pain.
In retirement homes today they teach water arobics, along with weight exercises to help people be more active and live a healthier life. Science thinks it will effect longevity but that's still up in the air. Today we do know that exercise and a healthy diet will help you to feel better, be happier, be more active, and be healthier. So what's your goal?

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