There are many opinions on this subject. If there's no medical reason, why do it. If you read the post below from you'll find that gluten is used in man-made foods. It's there to enhance the taste.
Gluten is a protein naturally found in many grain-containing foods, a simple product of food chemistry: gliadin and glutenin combine to form gluten, which is responsible for many of the wonderfully tasty properties foods like bread and pasta provide.
Only about 1 percent of Americans have celiac disease, a rare autoimmune disorder, and about 6 percent have a gluten sensitivity; both lead to a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms.
If you don't have celiac disease, are there benefits to going gluten-free? The True Health Initiative Council of Directors weigh in.
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
Clinical Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Wayne State University School of Medicine
Clinical Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Wayne State University School of Medicine
If you are not celiac you should enjoy, not avoid, whole grains. Published data in large studies identify that whole grains
improve heart health and lower the risk of heart attack
lower Type 2 diabetes risk
reduce cancer risk
support optimal body weight, and
promote a long life free of chronic diseases.
lower Type 2 diabetes risk
reduce cancer risk
support optimal body weight, and
promote a long life free of chronic diseases.
The recommendation of both the USDA and the Harvard School of Public Health is to fill 25 percent of your plate with whole grains and I agree. It's likely that increased whole grains in the diet often replace calorie-dense processed foods low in nutrients. The health implications of eating more whole grains in place of nutrition-poor options and the potential to reduce rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity are enormous.
I prefer organic grains whenever possible because of reports of using Roundup before harvesting to prevent spoilage.
P.K. Newby, ScD, MPH, MS
Principal and Owner, The Nutrition Doctor; Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health
Principal and Owner, The Nutrition Doctor; Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health
The prevalence of celiac disease and related gluten disorders has risen in recent years, and many have jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon as a result.
Are you among them?
The simple fact is that whole, unprocessed grains that retain their nutrients and fiber are part of a healthy diet for most people. Indeed, many Americans don’t consume the amount recommended for optimal health and disease prevention—and going gluten-free makes it even harder. As a result, those supplanting whole grains with other foods can end up having a less nutritious diet, perhaps forgetting about non-gluten containing options like quinoa or amaranth. Moreover, there is no evidence to show that gluten-free diets are particularly beneficial for weight loss, though you can lose weight on any diet as long as calories expended are fewer than those consumed.
Considering how what you eat makes you feel is always important, so if you’ve noticed a correlation with gluten-containing foods, it’s worth paying attention: gluten-related disorders are uncomfortable, and under-diagnosed. But seeing a physician for clinical testing, keeping a food diary, and thinking about your diet as a whole should be the first steps you take before cutting out entire food groups that might otherwise make it harder for you to eat a nutritious, balanced, and diverse diet.
Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD
Nutrition Expert
Nutrition Expert
Even though it is hip to go gluten-free, many people who are doing so don’t need to follow this type of restrictive diet plan. A gluten-free diet eliminates gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and is the primary mode of therapy for anyone with celiac disease. It is not a weight loss plan nor will it boost energy or treat autism.
However, some people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity and have shown improvement by limiting gluten in their diets. If you have symptoms associated with gluten ingestion, try eliminating it and see if the symptoms subside. Be forewarned that gluten lurks in all kinds of products and going gluten-free can be challenging and expensive.
It’s best to consult your healthcare provider if you suspect you are intolerant or sensitive to gluten to rule out celiac disease before going gluten-free, too.
You've read the "pros", now read the "cons". Many of the foods containing grain, like bread and pasta, don't use whole grains. They use a manufactured version or "processed flour" or "processed wheat" that has been stripped of any nutrition that you would normally find in wheat. And if you notice in the labels that everything from donuts to cake, bread, pie crust, and any other bakery goods or snack food like chips all contain processed wheat flour.
So what, you might ask? Processed flour is just another food stuff with no nutrition that will elevate you blood sugar levels the same as "refined sugar", which by the way is another manufactured product.
When you actually eat the plant food, "like organic rice", you get all the nutrition in the grain. Any grain that has been refined or processed has had the nutrition stripped during the processing.
So "going gluten free" for most people on that type of diet is simply a way to avoid processed flour and if you want to lose weight differently avoid processed flour and only eat whole grains like rice or Quinoa.
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