Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Change Your Eating Habits and Lose Weight For Good.

You know you want to make a change. You want to see what life is like without extra weight on your body and on your mind. You're committed to making a change for the better. To make it happen, think of your habits like a road trip. Your next steps become clear, and you start to see your destination ahead.

Plan Out Your Route

You'll want to take time to think about how to create healthy habits to take you to your goal. Planning can also get you psyched up about new things to try or doing things you enjoy. Here are tips to help you plan your habits, your support, and your mind-set. I know it sounds like a lot of work. Creating new habits is simply planning better choices. I'm not going to stop for that latte before work. Or, make that Latte with Fat-Free milk, and no sweetener, please.  There's always a healthier way if you look for it. Okay, I know what your thinking, You don't like fat-free milk and you like sweet coffee. Listen closely, if you don't make sacrifices you won't lose weight and remember that you really are trying to lose body fat, the weight will be a bonus. If you lose the body fat you'll become a slimmer, trimmer person forever, no more diets. You only have to change what you eat. 
Prepare for each destination. Think about the things you eat, but shouldn't and how to substitute something else, so you'll still eat something but now the something won't make you add more fat. For instance, Do You eat chips at work? Bring some mixed, salted nuts from home, but only bring a handful, not the whole package. Eating more food from home is a good habit to start. Some apartment people almost never eat at home, because they don't really like spending time in the apartment. You can change that. For instance, what would your perfect, most motivating kitchen have? Cut-up colorful vegetables ready for you in the fridge? Apples in the fruit basket? Sheer curtains to let the light in?You might be thinking that guys don't care about how their place looks. But subconsciously you do. Make your place look like somewhere you want to be. When You get off work, why stop for a beer, I'll get one at home and turn on the game. 
Plan for the family and friends you'll see along the way. There will be people who are for you -- happy to support you in your weight loss effort. And there will be people who aren't so supportive. You may already know who they are. People that maybe should diet but don't think they have to. Others like my Mother who thinks people should have a little extra weight, so eat,eat.
You need to be prepared for both types.
Think of each person you spend time with in your daily life, and ask yourself these questions to set up a game plan:
  • How much do you want to share with them about your efforts? Some people really don't need to know. After you lose the weight, they'll see how good you look and you can tell them you've been working out.
  • What kinds of obstacles do you expect from them? What are a few ways you can respond to them? When I eat with the family, I always get the same thing. "Eat, eat, it's good for you." So I always just eat a little of everything and I do mean a little, and just say "I'm full, that was good." When it come to dessert, I eat fresh fruit. 
You can change the unhealthy foods for healthy foods and you will lose body fat, but it will take time. Extra activity can help you lose weight quicker. 

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