Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Our Weight Problem

The history of humans can tell us that the excess fat we carry around is created by modern man. Humans have had this type of weight problem since the Greeks ruled the Mediterranean, before the Roman Empire. 3000 years ago it was only the very affluent, the politicians, the ruling class that didn't do any physical labor and had all the privileges of politicians today.   In ancient times it was only the ruling class that were treated like royalty. Those are the ones who could eat all they wanted and usually gained too much weight. This was the beginning of the modern society we have today. You might be surprised how similar life was for those in the ruling class.

Today we have more people in the upper-middle and upper class that do about as much work as those rulers and statesmen in the Roman Empire. You should know that your body doesn't know the difference between you sitting and talking, sitting and working on the computer, or just sitting and watching TV. 

Homo sapiens emerged around 300,000 years ago, evolving from Homo heidelbergensis and migrating out of Africa, gradually replacing local populations of archaic humans. For most of history, all humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. The Neolithic Revolution, which began in Southwest Asia around 13,000 years ago, saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement. As populations became larger and denser, forms of governance developed within and between communities, and a number of civilizations have risen and fallen. Humans have continued to expand, with a global population of over 7.9 billion in July 2021.

Above is a small paragraph from world history that explains a lot. All those centuries that humans were nomadic they behaved similarly to animals, spending the day light hours hunting and gathering and the nighttime sheltering in place until the sun came up. It wasn't until about 13000 B.C. that humans states to put down roots. In Southeast Asia, humans began to grow their food and build communities. This was what I think might have been the beginning of a civilization more like we have today. Humans that chose to live in a community, grow their food and learn to fish.

Those early farmers had a good diet, healthy food to eat, and would have lived a healthy life and maybe they did until the population grew to an unmanageable level. Remember those early settlers knew nothing about disease, nothing about hygiene, and therefore not many people lived to old age. Humans learned the hard way that you can't use rivers and streams for a toilet. Europe learned that lesson in the middle ages when 100's of thousands of people died of the "Black Plague". 

The continuous growth of the human population has caused most of our problems because we have failed to know how to deal with this ever-growing number of people and the problems that it presents.

So, what does this have to do with my weight, you might ask. The world's weight problem and it is a worldwide problem is simply caused by the lack of physical work that most of us don't have to do and the lack of education. We are not taught to eat properly. We don't understand the importance of putting good nutritional food into our body to fuel the energy our body needs. We eat this manufactured food that adds weight.

I saw a talk show today. A woman was explaining what happened to her last week at the doctor's office. After a long stay at home because of the virus, this woman hadn't been to see the doctor in almost two years. The doctor checked her blood pressure and said abruptly your blood pressure is over 300, what happened? She replied that covid happened. Because we were shut-in day after day I started to buy ice cream and every night after dinner we had a bowl of ice cream watching TV. I knew I was gaining weight but I thought it would only be temporary so I shrugged it off. After a year of eating ice cream every night, know I have a problem, a big problem.

I have read in many sources that you can't exercise away a bad diet. Your fat won't disappear because you go to the gym. One hour of exercise might burn 300 calories if you're running or biking like a pro, but the average person at the gym doesn't workout for one hour and usually on average only burns 100 to 150 if they are lucky.

 You can lose body fat by changing your lifestyle and sticking to it. For example:

this food pyramid gives you everything you need for a healthy diet. Everything in the bottom section you can eat every day, everything in middle is foods you can only eat one time a week, and on top is red meat that should only be eaten once a month. Water is important to cleanse your system and red wine in moderation is good for your blood. Walking an extra one hour a day more is all the exercise you need.

Look for my podcasts on, or the podcast app on your cell phone. Search "howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight".

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.
There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When You Want To Lose Weight Fast

Working on weight loss? Then you probably want results — fast.

Let me save you some time: skip the fad diets. Their results don’t last. And you have healthier options you can start on — today!

You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD.

I will warn you that this might not work for everyone. And I’ll add that if your under a doctor's care consult them first before changing your diet or doing lots of exercise.

How to Lose Weight Fast

If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds

If you want to lose weight faster, you’ll need to eat less and exercise more.

For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It’s very important not to cut calories any further — that’s dangerous.

Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first — but that’s mostly fluids, not fat.

“When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started,” says Michael Dansinger, MD, of NBC’s The Biggest Loser show.

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.

Here are more tips from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet :

Eat vegetables to help you feel full.
Drink plenty of water.
Get tempting foods out of your home.
Stay busy — you don’t want to eat just because you’re bored.
Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No grazing in front of the ‘fridge.
Don’t skip meals.
Keeping a food journal — writing down everything you eat — can also help you stay on track.

“Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss,” says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of "Read It Before You Eat It".

Besides jotting down what you ate, and when, you might also want to note how you were feeling right before you ate it. Were you angry, sad, or bored? We often focus so much on foods and calories, but our emotions are a huge part of our eating habits.

If you see a persistent pattern in your emotional eating, please consider talking to a counselor about it. They can be a big help in finding other ways to handle your feelings.

You have to take weight loss seriously if you’re going to make it work for you.

Look for my podcasts on, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

I write about weight loss and diets and how to lose fat. I have two sites on blogger: and

Thank You for stopping by and remember to sign up for emails and every time I post you'll get it sent to your inbox.

I also write ebooks and you can find my latest in any of the online bookstores.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Big Diet Mistakes

Gut-Busting Diet Mistakes

Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD
You’re working to slim down, but your belly hasn’t budged much yet. This post will explain the mistakes you could be making.

Shifting these habits could make all the difference. Losing the extra belly fat can lower your odds of getting heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer.

You may be confident that you can make up for it in the gym but think twice.

“There’s a myth about the role of exercise in weight loss,” says Brett White, MD, a family medicine physician in Newport Beach, CA. “Exercise is critical for [heart] health. But realistically, losing weight starts with what we put in our mouths.”

San Francisco-based nutritionist Manuel Villacorta, RD, founder of the weight management website, sees many men in their 40s and older who have discovered the shortcomings of exercise in their weight loss efforts.

“It’s what worked before,” Villacorta says, “but now they’re finding that it doesn’t have the same effect.”

Of course, you need to be active to lose weight and keep it off. Just don’t count on exercise alone to cover your calories — especially when you’re packing away too much too often.

2. Not Planning Your Meals — or Skipping Them Altogether

It’s not just about what you eat. When you eat also matters.

Eating on the run or at odd hours, you may be throwing off the brain signals that tell you when you’re hungry and when you’re satisfied. And that might lead to eating more than you should.

Skipping meals to slim down is also a bad idea.

When you put off eating, your metabolism slows down, and your body begins to store fat. “Anything that affects the metabolic rate will contribute to fat buildup,” Villacorta says. The bulk of that fat, he adds, gets stored in your midsection.

Your metabolism slows naturally as you age, Villacorta says, but you can keep it as active as possible by eating regularly. That means breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with healthy snacks in between.

Bonus: You’re less likely to overdo it at your next meal if you don’t let yourself get too hungry in the first place. “Excessive hunger is often followed by gorging,” White says.

3. Downing Man-Sized Meals

Controlling portion size is key to controlling the size of your gut.

Your three meals, Villacorta says, should be no more than 700 calories each. A cup of steel-cut oats with a cup of blueberries and a tablespoon of walnuts makes a great power breakfast.

Lunch and dinner should be 4 to 5 ounces of lean meat or omega-3-rich fish, such as salmon, for protein, with veggies and whole grain, like quinoa or brown rice. If you’re a vegetarian, make sure to include a plant-based source of lean protein in each meal.

For your midmorning and midafternoon snacks, skip the chips and cookies. Instead, eat an apple and a cup of nonfat Greek yogurt.

In White’s experience, the healthier the food you eat, the more you can allow yourself.

“People think that dieting means eating less; they envision hunger,” he says. “But if you move from steak and potatoes to fruits and vegetables, you can actually eat more.”

If you eat processed foods, check the label. They may be higher in fat and sugar than you think.

4. Eating Because You’re Stressed

When you’re feeling anxious, you’re more likely to turn to sweet, fatty foods like candy and cookies.

So if you want to flatten your belly, you have to take steps to control your stress levels.

For his own stress, Villacorta follows his therapist’s recommendation and does some simple relaxation exercises. Twice a day, he spends a few minutes taking deep breaths.

“I started doing that, and it was amazing,” he says. “Stress is going to be there,” Villacorta says, “but you can still learn to be healthy.”

5. Overlooking Liquid Calories

Do you know how many calories are in that drink?

Check the label. Or have a glass of water or tea. And if you drink milk, opt for skim or low-fat. You’re still getting the calcium and vitamin D you need, but without the added calories.

Also, take it easy with alcohol. It’s got calories; and when you drink and loosen up, you may eat more than you would if you were sober.

Calories from liquids may account for half of a person’s daily calorie intake.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Eat The Right Foods To Lose Weight

Nutrition and weight loss go hand-in-hand, and it pretty much comes down to chemistry and math. Intake too much energy (calories), weight is gained while creating a caloric deficit stimulates weight loss. Everyone seems to be on the search for something quick and easy. Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDs) are popular but disregard possible health risks. Seems like a risky high-dollar cost to shed unwanted pounds. I am a believer in eating “real” quality food to maintain a fit physique and at a cost-saving. To start a healthy weight loss journey, review what you’re eating now in order to make changes promoting healthy weight loss which is no more than one to three pounds per week.

Time for a Lifestyle Change
Losing weight is a pretty straightforward process. It will require a nutrition lifestyle change together with regular exercise for the best overall results. Quality healthy food choices are important. If you’re eating processed foods, dining out, drinking alcohol and soda regularly, an immediate revision to those choices will need to happen. Start by keeping a food journal, write down what you’re eating, and cut out unhealthy meals. Studies show people who maintain a consistent food journal have the best weight loss success. The journal allows for accountability. You will learn and be able to repeat personal best weight loss weeks simply by reviewing what has been recorded. A Food Journal is your way to find out why you are not losing weight. If you eat the right foods to lose weight, the weight will come off. If you’re only on a part-time diet and still eating the same foods you did before only in smaller amounts you probably won’t see any results.

The Right Foods and Right Portions
Eating healthy should be enjoyable, taste fabulous, and never be a burden. Essential nutrients for weight loss include lean proteins, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Understanding portion size is what can fit in the palm of your hand further simplifies eating healthy without the need to continuously count calories. Normal hunger occurs every two to three hours so many people take advantage of nutrient timing. Eating several small meals per day keeps our metabolism boosted, promotes satiety, and eliminates urges to binge on guilt-laden food. Keeping the focus on consuming healthy foods will be the success in adopting a healthy lifestyle and reaching your goal weight.

Enjoy a Variety of Healthy Foods

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of healthy foods to satisfy the pickiest eater for weight loss and an overall healthy lifestyle. Check out the examples of healthy foods below which can also be used as a ready-made grocery list:

Best Proteins

Lean Proteins ( You’ll notice no red meat on the list)

Chicken Breast (boneless/skinless) – 3.5oz, 30g

Turkey – 7g protein per ounce

Tuna – 6oz, 40

Salmon – 3.5oz, 27g

Halibut – 4oz, 30g

Trout – 4oz, 28g

Sardines – 4oz, 10g

Eggs (high in EFA) – 1 large, 7g

Milk – 1 cup, 8g (1% or skim, if tolerated)

Cottage Cheese – 1/2 cup, 15g

Almonds 8g, Peanuts 9g, Cashews 5g – 1/4 cup

Peanut Butter – 2tbsp, 8g

Kefir – 14g per cup

Yogurt – 8-12g per cup

Tofu – ½ cup, 10g


Top Antioxidants

Blueberries – at least a fistful a day

All rich colored berries (strawberries/blackberries/raspberries/cranberries/blueberries)

Sweet potatoes – at least ½ cup serving daily

Broccoli – eat ½ cup raw or 1 cup cooked daily

Tomatoes – One medium

Acai – look for quality juice

Beans – Eat two 1/2 cup servings a day of cooked or canned beans

Oats (steel-cut is the best) – Eat at least three servings of whole grains per day. A serving equals one cup cooked oatmeal, 1/2 cup uncooked rolled oats, or 1/4 cup steel-cut oats

Spinach – one cup cooked spinach or leafy green vegetable per day

Dark chocolate – Eat a one-ounce serving daily

Red wine or Concord grape juice 4oz – 1 glass daily

Green and white tea – up to 4 cups daily


Eat Healthy Fats


Extra virgin olive oil

Wild salmon (fresh, frozen, and canned)

Ground flaxseeds

Flaxseed oil






Farmed oysters 

You don't have to eat everything from all three categories, but pick foods from all categories and eat them every day. 

Healthy Eating

In order to lose weight being consistent with healthy food intake will be necessary. There is no such thing as perfection and only progress. Take one day at a time and know there will be slip-ups. If you do get off track, let it go and make a better choice with your next meal. Food guilt only drags us down and prevents moving in a positive direction. Using the palm as your portion size, and eating every two to three hours is a great beginning to reaching your goal weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Losing Weight Isn't Like Maintaining

You can get discouraged when you’re trying to lose weight and you see thin and fit people eating more than you and you still can’t lose weight. Losing weight requires you to eat fewer calories than your body burns. This is the complicated part of losing weight. “How many calories does my body burn in one day?”  Most people will get this question wrong.

Everyone’s different, women are different from men and your size also matters. The more body fat you have the fewer calories you burn. That’s a general statement, so I’ll explain, let’s take two men or two women that weigh the same, one of the two will have more body fat, the one with more fat will burn calories slower. So, what’s the difference in how I burn calories? Well, if you burn calories slower than your friend, you will burn fewer calories per day. This means you have to eat fewer calories per day or you’ll gain more fat.

Maybe your friend is more physical than you. You work at a desk all day and your friend works in a warehouse and stays all day. Even though both jobs are not physically demanding the one that stands all day burns many more calories. Yes, but I work out after work, so doesn’t that makeup for sitting all day? Not really, your work out even if it is intense, will only burn about 300 calories. Actually, most people who work out for one hour will burn fewer than 300 calories.

Losing weight is harder than just cutting out some calories. The misconception is that to lose weight you have to starve yourself. Not true, you do have to stop eating the food you’re eating and starting eating fresh, healthy foods. You will get plenty to eat, but you need to start eating more vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. A good example and the foods you should be eating would be the Dash Diet. You can get information on this diet on the internet. 

The food pyramid will give you a good example of the choices of food you have.

To lower your blood pressure and lose weight on the DASH diet, you should eat:

Grains (6-8 servings per day) Healthy whole grains help you to feel full so that you eat less and lose weight. Whole-grain foods include oatmeal, whole-grain cereal or pasta, or brown rice.
Vegetables: (4-5 servings per day) Veggies are naturally low in calories and provide your body with important vitamins and minerals. Many fresh vegetables are also high in fiber.
Fruit: (4-5 servings per day) Fresh fruit is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding too many calories to your daily diet. Add nutrient-rich berries to your whole-grain cereal or carry an apple or banana with you to eat as a snack.
Low-fat dairy (2-3 servings per day) Choose low-fat or fat-free milk products while you’re on the DASH diet. A cup of skim milk is a single serving of dairy.
Lean meat, fish, or poultry (6 servings or less per day) Protein is an important part of the DASH eating plan. Lean meats like chicken provide a healthy dose of protein. But keep in mind that a single serving of meat or poultry is just 3 ounces. DASH dieters can also get protein from eggs, fish, or lean meat.
Nuts, legumes, seeds (4-5 servings per week) Nuts, like almonds or walnuts, can make a great snack. But some processed nut and seed products are high in salt. So choose these snacks wisely and eat just a single serving at snack time.
Fats and oils (2-3 servings per day) A single serving of fat is just a single tablespoon of oil or margarine or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing. Smart DASH dieters measure their fats to make sure that they are not eating too much.
Sweets and sugars (less than 5 per week) If you add sugar to your coffee or jam to your toast, these count as sugars on the DASH diet. Try to reduce the sugar in your diet when you’re on the DASH diet.

Talk to your doctor before you try any new diet plan, but this plan is a way of life and should be done in combination with increased exercise like more walking.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


Thursday, July 29, 2021

What Is HIIT?

I found this post on another website, This lady is fun to follow. She always has something interesting to say and this subject, HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is the best way I found to lose body fat. I tried lots of different routines but HIIT along with a low-fat diet helped me lose the last of my fat. And your doctor will be happy you’re getting in the cardio workout doctors want.

Now HIIT isn’t for everyone. But to encourage you to try, Run, Walk is not the only way to do this workout. I did this same routine on a stationary bike. But you do have to be able to get your heart rate elevated. If you’re not used to a workout of any kind. You might check with your doctor and ask what would be your target heart rate for workouts. If you’re not used to competing in sports or even speed-walking when you first start training it’s easy to get your heart rate over 200 BPM. That’s very dangerous. Some people have trouble walking up a couple flights of stairs. For these people, I’d encourage them to use a stationary bike to build up stamina before they started a walking routine. If you can’t start by doing a 20-minute workout, you’re just wasting time. Read the following blog to see the benefits.

HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training, is a great cardio variation to get your heart elevated and burn fat. HIIT workouts have been proven to burn 9 times as much fat as regular cardio, if done properly & if the exerciser really pushes to their maximum levels of effort. Intervals can be anywhere between 30 seconds to 5 minutes and you should not be able to pass the talk test when finished for optimal results. Rest periods can be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. The entire workout is usually 15 – 45 minutes.

What is it?

Short periods of high intensity (~45 seconds) like a run, walk routine.

Longer period of moderate intensity (~90 seconds)

Short Rest Period (Optional ~30 seconds)

(Just as an example)

Keeping rest periods short is the goal of this type of workout. You want to still be winded when starting the next interval for maximum results. This engages the physiological stages of energy usage and burns optimal fat. Insanity is a popular HIIT workout program and if you’ve ever completed one workout you know you’ll be dripping sweat by the end.


Increased performance and cardiovascular health – HIIT aids in training your maximal oxygen consumption levels therefore by conditioning your body to take in more oxygen when performing more exercise you are increasing your cardiovascular ability to perform cardio exercises for a longer duration of time. Increased cardiovascular performance increases overall performance because you can train longer without becoming winded.

Less fatigue due to lower blood lactate levels. If you are doing a HIIT run, meaning sprinting for a time and walking for a shorter time, then in 15 minutes you will go the same distance as you would at jogging at a stable state. However, because of the intervals, you are burning more calories from your internal systems working to catch up. This allows time for your pumping blood to clear lactate, the stuff that makes you sore, faster than stable jogging, which results in less muscle fatigue.

Larger oxygen deficiency throughout your workout which results in more metabolic energy used. Metabolic energy is either carbohydrates or fat, to keep it simple. Therefore once your body runs out of carbs energy (body’s preferred energy source) your energy will start to come from stored fat. Therefore HIIT workouts get you to your peak metabolic rate in the fat burning stage faster and keeps you there longer, than regular stable cardio.

Keeps metabolism boosted throughout the rest of the day! Oxygen consumption remains high after you complete a HIIT workout because you perform at the highest levels of oxygen consumption repeatedly, therefore oxygen consumption levels need to stay elevated until muscles are fully oxygenated. This increased EPOC (excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption) yields a faster metabolism long after your workout. To get optimal results, HIIT workouts are great in the morning so you burn more calories throughout the day!

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


Monday, July 26, 2021

Losing Weight Is Easier Than You Think

 Yes, it does take willpower, the willpower to make permanent changes. That was always my problem. I'd cut my calories for a few weeks, and I would lose 5 or 10 pounds, but then I'd get off the nutritional diet and return to my old way of eating and the weight would come back. Finally, I found the right way to eat, and the weight stayed off.

I know this might look complicated but it's quite simple. The bottom section is the foods you can eat every day. The middle section is foods you can eat once a week, and the very top is meat and it's recommended that you only eat red meat once a month. Red Meat takes the longest to digest, up to 3 days. For seniors even longer. This food pyramid gives you lots of food choices. The activity part is mainly walking, the only other I usually do is stretching. I walk about one hour extra 5 days a week. 

By sticking to this diet plan you can stop counting calories. Wine or clear alcohol like Gin, vodka, or tequila are good choices. Drink alcohol cold and only add water if necessary. When drinking wine use dry wine.

They say you can eat all you would, after a couple weeks you will cut back on your own. This food is filling and nutritious. Don't get impatient, your body will take a week or more to get used to the new diet.

Most of the celebrity diets are starvation diets. You drop the pounds fast but if start to eat the pounds go back on. I was on one 0f those diets when I wrestled in college. I had to drop 20 pounds in a couple of weeks. I could eat one meal a day 3 oz. of red meat, a cup of broccoli, and a glass of water. That's it all day. I made weight but I was weak. I think I lost that match.

Lose weight the right away and it won't come back. I know it's tuff when you eat out with family or friends. I look over the food pyramid before I go out and decided before I leave what I'm going to order.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.