Some of us get wrapped up in the wrong things in life and we don’t make time for ourselves. How does this happen you might ask. We think that we are multi-taskers but in reality, we aren’t very good at it. We try and do more than we can do and become overloaded. This can happen to anyone, but a lot of us don’t realize it’s happening.
You can easily analyze your situation by stepping back for a minute and looking at your life from an outsider's point of view.
Ask yourself the question “why am I overweight?” You will probably get several different answers, but the right answer is that you’re living your life the wrong way. And you can tell it’s wrong because your body has too much fat and that will cause future health problems if it hasn’t already.
Body fat has some good uses but excess body fat will only cause damage to the body.
Are you skipping meals? Do you make time for exercise? How much did you weigh when you got out of High School? How much do you weigh now? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you sleeping 7 hours a night?
Often we can find out for ourselves if we have a health problem if we can be objective. Americans often rush through their day so fast just to get it over with and never slow down to see what they’re doing wrong.
We cause our own health problems by not paying attention to our body's needs. We constantly ignore our health and we ignore the things in our life that are difficult to manage. We rush so fast through our day just to get the work over with so we can do things that we enjoy doing. We have become obsessed with finding more ways to entertain ourselves rather than concentrating on the things that matter. Why is that you might ask? Our lives are stressful and we seek something to release the tension. We often don’t realize how much built-up tension we have. This tension is usually caused by the relationships we have with other people.
It was never like this a couple generations ago. I see this problem that we have in our modern world is that technology has advanced so rapidly that we all have this thirst for knowledge. Thank God that the next generation is trying to pay more attention to their health and their physical condition. We’ll have to see what happens to them as they grow older.
If you are concerned at all with your health and have been reading my posts and other health blogs, you probably know that your body fat is the cause of most health problems. To avoid those problems you should lose body fat and how do you do that? Simply, change the foods you’re eating and increase your activity. It sounds simple but in reality, it will be like starting your life over.
All of us sit too much. It’s not all your fault. Today most Americans work sitting down. Actually, that’s the reason that most people are overweight. One hour at the gym every day can’t make up for 8 hours of sitting. Have you ever noticed that people who have to work standing up are thinner on average than people who work sitting down? For instance, most people who work in retail, like a cashier, on average are thinner than an office workers.
If you spend your work day sitting 90% of the time and going home and sitting more after dinner and then spending 8 hours in bed, how much standing and moving around are you really doing. This might surprise you but the average office worker only spends about 4 hours daily on their feet. That’s 4 hours out of 24 hours.
This is a major change from a few generations ago when our grandparents spent 12 hours a day minimum on their feet. So the results are that we are heavier and have poor circulation and several other health problems that have all sprung up recently because the population is growing fatter.
Overweight people generally blame their weight problems on lack of activity and that's partly correct, but it's really about your diet. The food and drink that you consume every day. Living healthier is about eating healthily. Only consume nutritional food and drinks. Stop eating and drinking those things that caused your weight gain.
The average North American consumes twice the calories necessary to maintain body functions and that's mostly because we consume things that have no nutritional value. For example, we consume half our calories from drinks. Children need drinks that contain protein like milk, but adults don't. Adults need to drink more water, we don't drink enough water. Dietitians might tell you to consume one-half gallon a day. Trainers might tell you to drink one gallon of water a day. most of us only drink two glasses daily and bottled drinks during the day. Bottled drinks contain high amounts of calories. You can easily consume 1500 calories a day just in liquids.
Most women only need between 1500 to 1800 calories a day, and men slightly more depending on their activity level.
Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.
If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.
There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans.
Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.