Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Know Your BMR Rate

I’ve written about this before and I get questions about this all the time, “How many calories do I need?” This post will answer the question. Losing weight is still about calories. The calories you take in every day vs. the calories your body burns. So, the big question is  “How many calories does your body burn?” If you’re going to lose weight you need to know your BMR (the number of calories your body burns). So, read the post below for help. First, you should understand, that everyone will burn a different amount of calories every day. Your body will only burn what you need and the more body fat you have, the slower you burn calories.

The calories you take in every day vs. the calories your body burns. So, the big question is  “How many calories does your body burn?” If you’re going to lose weight you need to know your BMR (the number of calories your body burns). So, read the post below for help.

BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate

Measuring a Healthy Lifestyle
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Definition

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body burns at rest to maintain normal body functions. It is the number of calories per day your body burns, regardless of exercise. It changes with age, weight, height, gender, ethnicity, diet, and exercise habits. An average BMR would be 1850 calories per day for an adult man and 1500 calories per day for an adult woman of average height and weight. Don’t use the averages if you’re overweight, use a calculator to get your number. Those numbers are accurate if you’re in good shape and your body is functioning on all 8 cylinders. If you’re overweight your body doesn’t burn as many calories and your body can’t burn all the calories you eat. You don’t even have to be overeating, some calories your body can’t use and it will store those calories in fat cells and leave them there. Some of the things we eat the body can’t process and only the food or drinks that get processed will be separated and either disposed of or used by the body.

Don’t use the averages if you’re overweight, use a calculator to get your number. Those numbers are accurate if you’re in good shape and your body is functioning on all 8 cylinders. If you’re overweight your body doesn’t burn as many calories and your body can’t burn all the calories you eat. You don’t even have to be overeating, some calories your body can’t use and it will store those calories in fat cells and leave them there. Some of the things we eat the body can’t process and only the food or drinks that get processed will be separated and either disposed of or used by the body.

You don’t even have to be overeating, some calories your body can’t use and it will store those calories in fat cells and leave them there. Some of the things we eat the body can’t process and only the food or drinks that get processed will be separated and either disposed of or used by the body.

If you’re overweight your body doesn’t burn as many calories and your body can’t burn all the calories you eat. You don’t even have to be overeating, some calories your body can’t use and it will store those calories in fat cells and leave them there. Some of the things we eat the body can’t process and only the food or drinks that get processed will be separated and either disposed of or used by the body.

Yes, it’s a little complicated but because of the things we eat, we are either functioning the way we should or not. If you aren’t getting enough nutrition some of the body functions will not work properly and you could gain weight, lose weight, or your immune system becomes weak and you become ill.

This is the number before factoring in any movement, it is below even the sedentary level. Once you add in what it takes to simply move around for basic functions, while still being sedentary, the average calories per day needed would be 2200 for the man and 1800 for the woman. This number is pretty accurate for a young adult in good condition and proper weight.

Calculating Your BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator: Input your height, weight, and age and adjust for your activity level to find out how many calories you can eat and maintain body weight. In order to lose weight, you would want to eat fewer calories and/or burn more calories through exercise. This calculator uses the classic Harris-Benedict equation for energy expenditure.

Basal Metabolic Rate – Burning Calories Even at Rest

You may think your Fitbit is fibbing or broken when it tells you that you’ve already burned a few hundred calories when you get up in the morning. What, you wonder, was I running in my sleep? No, it is simply reporting the calories you burned due to your basal metabolic rate. Normal body functions like breathing, blood circulation, and brain functions all burn calories so you do burn calories when you sleep.

Find a BMR calculator on the internet and because the answer can vary do it twice on two different sites. I found a good calculator on CalorieCount.com.

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

 Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”.

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Losing Weight For Beginners

 If you haven’t tried this before losing weight can be intimating. It’s not easy and most beginners feel like it’s “no biggy”, I’ll drop 20 pounds easy. Then after they yo-yo up and down a few times and get nowhere they usually quit trying. Most weight loss enthusiasts forget to diet. Changing the diet is the most important part of losing weight. Actually, you have to change your diet first and after you have the new diet under control than worry about the exercise part. I’ll write about diet tomorrow.

Beginners should start out slow, exercise will help you lose weight faster than no exercise, but you need to be careful. Doctors will often manage your weight loss for you if you ask, but that means more trips to the doctor. That only works if you’re going already and if you have a lot to lose than it’s a good idea. Most of us will never do that. So maybe a trainer will work for you. A trainer can be expensive if you keep him long-term but that’s usually not necessary. He’s there to help you learn how to do this on your own.

Increasing your activity level not only helps you to lose weight, it can also improve your overall health and help decrease your risk for many serious conditions. If you are ready to get moving but don’t know where to begin, start with an exercise guide for beginners that you can find on the internet. You can Google anything. I use it for a reference guide.

The list of the health benefits that regular exercise brings is impressive. From managing cholesterol to increasing cardiovascular endurance to decreasing your risk of developing serious diseases (such as diabetes), becoming more active can improve virtually every aspect of your health. Understanding the many health benefits of exercise can help you stay motivated to keep moving when you feel like giving in.

When it comes to getting more active, many of us don’t know where to start. But putting it off could be putting your health at risk. Becoming more active is as simple as doing more around the house or walking to errands. Scheduling regular, planned exercise is the next step. The most important part of getting more active is to just get up and do it today instead of waiting for tomorrow.

Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise for beginners. It is safe, easy, enjoyable, and it works for weight loss. Just walking for a half an hour most days of the week can bring noticeable weight-loss results in a matter of weeks. Walking also doesn’t require any expensive equipment or trips to the gym, which makes it one of the most budget-friendly forms of exercise.

Indoor Bikes for Absolute Beginners Indoor bikes are a great way to experience bicycling even if you never learned how to ride a traditional bike. You can choose between different types of bikes and set your own resistance level to make your workout harder or easier based on your personal needs. An indoor bike allows you to feel like you are on a bicycle without having to worry about the safety issues that riding on the open road brings.

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for beginners because it is the gentlest of all of the aerobic activities you can do. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work — the average 150-pound person can burn a little over 200 calories with 45 minutes of swimming. Swimming does not jar your bones or damage your joints, making it a good option for many different ages and ability levels.

Joining a gym is the same as making any major purchase. You need to make an informed decision and consider some important factors before you sign on the dotted line. These days, with money tight, it’s more important than ever to know if what you will be getting in return for your monthly fee meets your own personal needs. It’s also a good way to meet a trainer.

“O.K., why do the exercise, I’ve lost weight before and didn’t exercise.” A lot of people ask that question. Of course, you can lose weight without exercise, but if you don’t exercise most of the weight you lose will be muscle and only about 20 or 25% will be fat. You don’t have to get crazy and workout 2 hours a day, but 30 minutes a day will do wonders. Mall walking is great for beginners, just try to keep an ever pace, you can window shop after your walk.

Exercise along with a change in your diet and after a few months you will see a difference. You’ll feel better, be happier, and have more energy. You’ll love your new life.

Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.

If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, bn.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Straight Talk About My Battle With Weight Loss

I was always a chubby kid. Back in preschool, when I look back at photos, I was not thin. At age 16, I was still chubby. In my last year of high school, I had to lose 20 pounds for sports, but due to an injury I was on crutches for several months and I gained most of it back.

When I was 22, I worked construction and lost my chubbiness. For the next 10 years, I worked that job and stayed thin until I was injured. At this point, I weighed about 172 and I smoked, not good. I had to quit the job and quit smoking. After that, I moved to Texas and bought a restaurant. Just a word about that, if you’re trying to lose weight don’t buy a restaurant. Then I wasn’t paying attention to my weight and I gained about 40 pounds over about three years. A few more years passed and we sold the restaurant. By that time I knew I had to lose weight, I was up to 220 pounds.

My wife and I got a membership to a big health club chain, and we both started to eat healthier. I did start to lose weight but I had these plateaus. Places where I would just seem to stall out. And sometimes for several months. It may have been ten years before I got below 180 pounds.

As I got older I know I needed to go lower maybe 170 or even 165. After another 10 years or so, I’m about 172 and I still want to lose more body fat.

Losing weight has been a challenge my whole life, there are no shortcuts or easy ways to slim down. Today, if I gain 3 pounds, I’m working to lose it. Some people can gain weight easily and others never gain weight. I know who I am and I’m watching my diet every day.

I’m about 160 pounds today and I’m very happy being a thin version of myself. I’m much healthier than I’ve been in years. People will tell you that losing weight is about starving yourself, but that’s not true.  I’m never hungry. I learned to eat differently and at first, it was challenging. I eat plenty of food, but I only eat healthy foods. That’s the challenge. Forget about the foods you like and only eat the foods that are good for you.  Learning to eat fresh, that’s the real challenge.

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

 Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”.

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Lose And Maintain

I found a new website, new to me anyway. Healthvault.com is a Microsoft site that gives advice on exercise and diet for those of us wanting to lose weight.

Remember now that Microsoft is in the business of selling things to consumers so don’t run out and buy a bunch of things you don’t need, but having said that, there’s some good advice and some good products that some of us could use. The site also lets you store all your medical information in an organized way so it’s easy to find and lets you set up a diet plan and keep track of your progress.

One point the site makes is to create a weight goal and track your weight regularly like every third day. Any more often and you could get discouraged by a lack of results. Some experts will tell you to only weigh once a week, you do what’s right for you. Personally, I weigh in every Friday morning before I eat or drink anything.

Next is to track your exercise, you’re more likely to do it if you track the exercise and I’ll explain how. I’ll use myself as an example. I work out Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings. I start by riding a stationary bike for 20 or 30 minutes. I want to increase my heart rate to 110 or 120 before I exercise with a weight-bearing machine or free weights. You have all seen those machines where you set the amount of weight you want to use and then sit on a seat and push or pull on the bar until your muscles are sore.

All the gyms have machines like that. If you’re not used to using a machine to exercise it’s easy to overdo. If you notice today all gyms have trainers. First of all, a trainer will help you from hurting yourself. He or she can also show you how to properly use the machine so you have a chance for results. The treadmill is the most popular machine for increasing your heart rate, I like the bike. On the bike there are 3 things that I track in a journal, the time, how many revolutions per minute, and the resistance number which you can change while riding the machine. When you are a beginner, you want to complete at least the 20 minutes so don’t use too much resistance or try to pedal too fast. Always complete the exercise first, you can always increase things later. With a bike or treadmill you start out slow for 3 to 5 minutes, that’s called warm-up, do 20 minutes at your target heart rate, and then do 5 minutes more at a slow speed to cool down. The target heart rate may be a new term for you. A rough calculation would be the number 220 minus your age. If you are 60, for instance, your target heart rate would be 160. Now that rate would be for someone in good condition with few medical problems. If you are under a doctor's care you want to ask him about your target heart rate and maximum heart rate.

Seniors will benefit the most, they’ll see results in just a few weeks, but you need to get advice and help. If a senior is just beginning to exercise, you can get advice and or help at a senior center, at the YMCA (you should join) I love the pool, or a local health club (look for a health club with a pool).

When I start the weight-bearing exercises I always do at least six exercises, if I have the energy I’ll do eight. The way you track these is to first use the same ones every time and write them down in column format at the left of the page. In the next column, you would write the number of sets you did that exercise and in the last column, you would put the number of reps in each set. Ideally, you want to do an exercise for example “sit-up” 10 times. O.K., that’s one set. You rest a minute and then do 10 more, that’s the second set. Rest again, then do 10 more and that’s the third set. When you use weight it’s the same principle. First, you journal the exercise, then the weight your using and the number of sets, and the number of repetitions.

You want to use a weight that you can handle comfortably. You can get a book at the library about weight training. Before I say any more about journaling, I want you to know that weight training or building muscle is what makes your body burn fat. I don’t weight train because I love it. It’s good for my heart and helps me maintain my weight. To be perfectly honest, learn to like it you’re going to be exercising for the rest of your life. You stop exercising and you start to stiffen up. All those aches and pains that come with aging actually come from not exercising and over a long period of time without exercising you get aches and pains. It’s really not due to age.

Back to exercising, picking the right weight for each exercise is critical. You want to do three sets or repeat the exercise three times, so pick a weight like ten pounds or maybe five pounds for a person just starting out. You have to learn to perform the exercise properly. With weights in hand perform the exercise at least 8 times, rest and do the second set of 8, then rest and do the third set. If that was really easy, next time do 3 sets, 12 repetitions, and try to keep building until you can do 3 sets, 15 times in each set. After that, you’re ready to increase your weight. Not too much, remember you have to be able to do 3 sets of 8 reps. If you can’t do that much, you increased too fast, go back to the old weight. Wait a couple of weeks and try again. It’s not about the weight, you want to challenge the muscle but you need to do the exercise properly or it’s all for nothing.

Walking is a good way for a beginner to train for more exercise or to exercise between your days of weight training. Your muscles need time to recoup from the last workout. If you workout 45 to 60 minutes then you need an every other day schedule. If your workout 2 hours a day you might need two days off in between. On those off days, you can walk. A brisk 30 or 45-minute walk is good for your weight loss program.

I don’t know how much you want to lose and getting too aggressive will only set you up to fail. Older people will respond really well to exercise, but you want to talk to your doctor. He might want you to monitor your blood pressure or heart rate while exercising. On the website I mentioned earlier you can find information about devices and where you can buy them. Most everyone can benefit from exercise no matter what condition you’re in but talk to your doctor first. You’re not too big or too old or too weak, there are exercises for everyone.

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

 Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”.

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Friday, April 8, 2022

A New Way Of Eating, What Does That Mean?

Most fitness fanatics are going for lean, slim bodies. It’s trending now and the most popular meal plan today is “fasting”. So what does that mean?

Fasting is really about the sporadic eating of healthy foods. In other words, most of us have the same meal plan we grew up with and our parents have the same plan they grew up with. Doesn’t sound like that’s a bad thing, but humans today are not the same type of people are parents or grandparents were. Our ancestors basically ate on the run. They ate when they had food and when they had time. We eat on a schedule that was handed down through the last several generations. You eat when you get up, and again at mid-day, and again in the evening. Why is that so important? Well, today we realize it’s not important.

When a child is born they eat several times a day because they are not attached to their mother anymore and they are used to that continuous feeding. But as they get older you notice that their appetite changes. They want to skip meals, and they’re not hungry as much. Yes, they're still growing but they have the instinct of knowing when they need food and when they don’t. But we try to break them of that inbred instinct and put them on a regimented meal plan whether they want it or not. So, is that the right thing to do or are we changing them for our convenience.

Because humans don’t all require the same amount of calories to maintain body functions, we don’t all need to eat meals frequently. That’s where “fasting” comes in. Fasting is the time that you go without consuming calories. Fasting to lose weight can be done in several ways.

A popular method is the 16/8 plan. You consume all your calories for the day in 8 hours and in the other 16 hours you consume zero calories. You can drink water, black coffee, black tea, or any 0 calorie drink but you can’t eat solid food. The theory behind this is that it takes about 12 hours for your body to process the food in your digestive system and after that, it must burns body fat to keep the body working. So for 4 hours a day, the body is burning the body fat stored in your fat cells.

There’s another method of fasting that might work better for you, it’s the 2/5 method. This method is harder for the beginner. Two days a week, non-consecutive you fast for 24 hours. The other 5 days you eat normally, but healthy. Stagger your two days of fasting so there not close together. The more popular way is to eat around 5 or 6 pm. And then fast until 5 or 6 pm the next day.

Another way to fast is more impulsive. You simply skip meals when you're not hungry. So Some days you might eat 3 meals, some days 2 meals and some days 1 meal.

All 3 methods will reduce calories and you will lose weight over time if you eat healthy foods when you do eat.

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

 Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”.

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Could Fast Foods and Processed Foods Expose You To Harmful Chemicals?

YOU BET CHA!!, If you’re from Minnesota you have probably heard that phrase more than once. In this case, I’m not joking. We have been told that these chemicals in food won't harm us, but why do so many people have Cancer today?

It’s not like the food purveyors actually add harmful chemicals because they want to get sued, but the ingredients they buy can contain chemicals that can harm you over time. In processed foods, in order to keep the price low, manufacturers will substitute a natural ingredient like “sugar cane” for a manufactured product like “high fructose corn syrup” which can be bought for less money and won’t fluctuate in price because it’s man-made.

So, why does the FDA (Food And Drug Admin) allow anyone to do that? The answer is that the foods are made safe for human consumption because if that one item has something like High-fructose corn syrup which can harm people, the product doesn’t contain enough for anyone to get sick. But say you’re eating chips and crackers all day long, you can consume more chemicals than you should. Does that mean I’m going to drop dead? No, but over time you may be at risk for diseases like Cancer. Chemicals in food will be stored in cells and stay there and accumulate throughout your life and because we all have cancer cells in our body the chemicals we consume from the foods we eat will cause these cancer cells to grow until after many years these cancer cells are large enough to be detected.

I don’t mean to imply that you can get cancer from eating chips or crackers, but if you notice on the ingredient label that there are a lot of words that you can’t pronounce, those are chemicals. Chemicals that keep the product from getting stale or spoiling. Some also add flavor and some of them are substitutes for real food. Like onion-flavored crackers. There are no real onions used in making a cracker, only a flavor additive or a chemical that adds the flavor of the onion.

Below is a post from MedicineNet.com that explains

Eating fast food may expose a person to potentially harmful chemicals known as phthalates, a new study suggests.

People who consumed lots of fast food tended to have levels of phthalates in their urine that were 24 percent to 40 percent higher than people who rarely ate take-out fare, the researchers found.

“We found statistically significant associations between the amount of fast-food consumed in the prior 24 hours and the levels of two particular phthalates found in the body,” said study author Ami Zota. She is an assistant professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, in Washington, D.C.

However, the study did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship between fast food and phthalate exposure.

The two phthalates in question are di(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and diisononyl phthalate (DiNP), Zota said. Industries use these chemicals to make plastics flexible, and they can be found in a wide array of food packaging and food-processing machinery.

The U.S. Congress has permanently banned the use of DEHP in children’s toys, baby bottles, and soothers, and it has temporarily banned DiNP for the same uses, according to the Environmental Working Group. The group is a nonprofit that focuses on environmental health issues.

The bans are based on concerns that phthalates can affect the development of the male reproductive system, Zota said. The chemicals also have been implicated in birth defects, childhood behavioral problems, and childhood chronic illnesses, such as asthma.

The two phthalates can get into fast food during the processing of the food, explained Shanna Swan. She is a professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science in the department of preventive medicine at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, in New York City.

The chemicals also can leach into the food from the packaging in which it is stored, both prior to cooking and when it is served, Zota said.

Fast food even can pick up phthalates from the vinyl gloves that restaurant workers wear to prevent food poisoning, Zota added.

“To reduce exposure to phthalates, my recommendation always is to minimize exposure to processed foods, and the ultimate processed food platform is the fast-food restaurant,” Swan said. “They don’t use anything fresh.”

To see whether people who eat fast food have more phthalates in their systems, Zota and her colleagues reviewed data on nearly 8,900 people participating in a regular survey on health and nutrition conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers defined fast food as anything obtained from a restaurant without waiter or waitress service, or any type of pizza place. All carryout and delivery foods were also considered fast food.

People were considered heavy fast-food consumers if they obtained more than 35 percent of their daily calories from pre-made foods, Zota said.

Zota and her team found that the more fast food participants in the study ate, the higher their exposure to phthalates.

People with the highest consumption of fast food had 24 percent higher levels of the breakdown product for DEHP in their urine samples. Those same fast-food lovers had nearly 40 percent higher levels of DiNP byproducts in their urine compared to people who reported no fast food in the 24 hours prior to the testing.

Grains and meats most significantly contributed to phthalate exposure, the study reported. Grains include a wide variety of items, such as bread, cake, pizza, burritos, rice dishes, and noodles, products made from enriched or processed wheat flour, Zota explained.

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone.

 Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Can Beer Cause You To Gain Weight?

When a heavy person in a restaurant or bar is sitting near you drinking beer you might immediately think that they must drink a lot of beer to have a beer belly like that. Not so. Calories are calories and many people overindulge which will cause a beer belly but it’s not always from drinking beer. I use to work with a guy who would drink 6 or 8 cokes every day. I never saw him drink water, he always drank coke. 

You might not know it but the average American will drink half their daily calories. They might eat 1800 calories a day and think they're cutting calories but they consume another 1800 or so calories in drinks every day. Cokes, sweet tea, alcoholic drinks, coffee with cream and sugar, and all those designer drinks at the coffee shop all add up.

Any trainer or weight consultant will always encourage a client to stop drinking calories and drink more water. That is some of the best advice I can give anyone trying to lose weight.

I saw someone today running through the park for a workout, but he was seriously overweight. I thought to myself if I could stop the car and talk to him I’d tell him not to run. First, you can’t run off fat, when you are too heavy to run, just walk. Yes, you can be too heavy to run. Being overweight puts stress on your hips and knees and running will only increase the pressure on those joints and can cause damage.

Walking is a better choice. One hour of extra walking every day will help you lose weight and make you a healthier person. Walking more will lower blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate, and help strengthen your joints. But if you really want to get in shape you have to change your diet. Start counting calories and counting carbs. Depending on your size, 1500 to 1800 calories a day is all you need and only half those calories should be from carbs and those carbs should be from fruits and vegetables, and grains. The other half of your daily calories should be from protein and fats from plants. No calories from drinks and no processed foods. 

Look for my podcasts on anchor.fm, or the podcast app on your cell phone. 

Search “howbaddoyouwanttoloseweight”.

If you really want to lose your body fat then look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.