Actually both white sugar and white flour have been processed to the point where most all the nutrients have been stripped away. When this had become common knowledge the manufacturers changed their product to an enriched white flour by adding chemicals to substitute for the nutrition the product was missing.
The changes were made several years ago before we now know that chemicals in food not only don't totally get absorbed into the body but can actually be harmful to the body. Not everyone has the same ability to fight off the affects of chemicals in the body.
White sugar in the body isn't real sugar from sugar cane. Sugar cane or sugar from sugar cane isn't white it's more brown in color. In the process of making granulated white sugar the crystals have to be bleached white so whatever nutrients were in the plant have been stripped out so it's still sweet to the taste but now science thinks that the chemicals used to bleach rawl sugar might be causing a chemical addiction to white sugar. The reason for manufacturing white sugar started because bakers couldn't use the granulated brown crystals for commerical baking. The same reason for flour. The original flour used for centuries, was too coarse for commerical bakeries, it took too much time for bakers to grind the coarse flour into a fine powder, so something easier to use was created and because it was cheap to make it could be sold on the retail market besides.
Science has proof that when you quit using white sugar which means you have to stop eating any food that contain sugar or sugar substitues that most people will see an improvement in their health.
White flour may or may not be a hazard to your health but is probably the major cause for obesity. All manufacturered products from pasta to bread, cake, cookies, pretzels, you name it, it contains some white flour. You might thing that because you buy rye bread or some other brown bread that it has no white flour but in this country commerical bakeries use some white flour in everything they make. When you read the labels you might see a few different flours in the package of pancake mix or loaf of bread but somewhere on the label it will say wheat flour or bleached wheat flour. Wheat flour is even in your breakfast cereal.
Many diets today want you to avoid all processed foods because of the white sugar, food additives, wheat flour, and other chemicals that can be in processed foods. The weight problem the all humans have today, I believe, can be contributed to manufactured or processed foods. A lot of restaurant food your eating is processed food created in factories because it cheaper to create the food in large amounts and then ship to stores and restaurants the amount they need. This also helps to keep prices lower to increase the volume.
I'm not saying that you can't find healthy food because you can. In some parts of the country and the world you can still find the butcher who will cut your meat in front of you, meat that has never been frozen an was delivered to his shop just a few hours before. A good butcher shop will receive fresh meat every day. A busy produce market will get fresh produce every day. Produce that was never refrigerated or frozen. It come straight from the farm.
To sum up this post, I just want to say that cancer is something we put in our body when we eat something the body can't deal with. The problem with chemicals in the body is that the body stores the chemical because it can't process it and we eat more every day and the body keeps storing it and the storage area keeps growing because chemicals in the body will never dissolve or dissipate. Remember this last sentence if nothing else.
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