Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Understanding the Causes for Weight Gain

This post first appeared on VeryWell.com. I stress this all the time. You have to understand how you gained weight before you can lose weight. Anyone overweight can lose the extra fat by first analyzing their situation. In other words, "how did I gain this extra weight"? and be honest with yourself.  Most people don't know where to begin but this post can help you decide. Once you have the answer you can reverse the process and the weight will begin to disappear. 

For instance, a friend of mine had gain 40 pounds in just a couple of years because he was eating ice cream every night. Subconsciously he knew what his problem was but he didn't care because he was worried about his business and eating ice cream was his way of dealing with the problem. So this sounds simple, just stop eating ice cream, right? It's not that simple. Because he has a problem that won't go away, just stop eating ice cream won't change anything. He'll find another food to binge on. He has to solve his problems at work and then he'll stop bingeing. He was using food as a crutch and feeling sorry for himself instead of finding a solution. 

Many people often use food as a crutch to increase the pleasure in their life. That's how you gain weight. You have to solve those life crisis problems that we all have and sometimes we need help. You don't need a dietitian to solve life's problems. Just losing weight won't fix you life. This is the reason most people regain lost weight. If you can't fix your life, you will always have the same problems and you will always fall back on comfort food to give you a pleasure that your missing. Being overweight is more emotional than anything else. 

Most people who aren't overweight think that the root cause of overweight and obesity is deceptively simple. If you take in more calories than you use, you'll gain weight. And if you eat less, you lose weight. But in reality, there are several underlying weight gain causes that can contribute to your weight beyond just calories consumed and calories burned.

Normal Weight Gain in Daily Life

Some weight gain is a normal part of life, particularly for women.
Weight gain occurs with pregnancy, and many breastfeeding mothers maintain a certain amount of weight while nursing. In addition, most women experience a periodic weight gain each month before and during menstruation. While much of this weight gain is typically referred to as water weight, many women get used to rising and falling numbers on the scale. Rapid weight gain that can't be attributed to either of these normal causes may be a sign of dangerous fluid retention, and anyone experiencing it should notify their doctor.

Aging also contributes to natural weight gain in many adults. While it's unclear whether or not aging actually causes weight gain, it is clear that most of us gain at least a small amount of weight as we get older. So why does it happen? As we age, our body composition changes, we often lose muscle mass, metabolism slows, and our lifestyles change. Each of these factors can contribute to weight gain unless we reduce the amount of food we eat and get enough exercise to maintain our weight.

Other Possible Causes of Weight Gain 

You may also gain weight because of other reasons that are not a part of everyone's daily life. These are some underlying weight gain causes to consider if you start to add pounds or inches.
  • Significant alcohol use. Booze calories add up quickly. And when we drink we often indulge in empty calories that can contribute to weight gain.
  • The use of certain drugs such as corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, lithium, tranquilizers, phenothiazines, some antidepressants, and medicines that increase fluid retention and cause edema. If you've started a new prescription and notice weight gain, talk to your doctor or pharmacist to make sure that the weight change is normal.

  • Emotional factors, such as guilt and anxiety can contribute to changes in your weight. Some people lose weight during a divorce, job change or other difficult transitions but other people gain weight during times of stress.
  • Quitting smoking often leads to weight gain in some people. Why? It may be that smoking was the way that you managed anxiety or nerves. Without cigarettes, some people turn to food.

Medical Causes of Weight Gain

If you notice that you're putting on weight and there is no apparent lifestyle cause, it is possible that sometimes more serious is at play. Weight gain can be a symptom or the result of certain medical conditions. These can include:
  • If you suspect that there is a medical issue that is causing your weight gain (or weight loss) don't be afraid to speak to your health care provider.  The good news is that weight gain, regardless of its cause, can often be managed with consistent lifestyle and dietary changes and an increase in physical activity. Your physician can help you determine whether or not these underlying causes may be leading to weight gain in your own personal situation.
If you have never had a problem controlling your weight and now you do, talk to your doctor, don't let your weight get out of control. Even 5 pounds over a few months might be a sign that you have a health problem. 

If you really want to lose the extra flab you can get help, I write 4 blogs and I’ve written two E-books. E-books are the easiest and cheapest way to learn about any subject without groping through hundreds of website looking for the material you want. 

My first e-book is “HowBadDoYouWantToLoseWeight” and it sells for $2.99 on most online bookstores like Amazon, BN.com, iBook, Kobo, and Gardner books in the U.K.

My second e-book is available in the same stores. And on smash words.com. If you use the smash word promotional code You can get my second book for $1.99 (PJ42H). Just type in the search line “getting to a healthy weight”.

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