Monday, February 27, 2017

Why Do I Gain Weight Easily?

All those people struggling with weight loss need to read this post. This post from tells it all. 

Do you feel like you gain weight just looking at food? You're not alone. Many struggling dieters wonder, "why do I gain weight so easily?" and "why do I keep gaining weight?"  You may feel like you are doing everything right with your diet and exercise plan, making these questions even more frustrating. I understand. And I've dealt with the same questions. 
Personally, until I lost my body fat, I couldn't control my weight and I didn't know why. Now I know. It's all about your percentage of body fat. Before I lost fat and got my Body Mass Index below 23, I had to watch everything I was eating. I was watching my calories every day. Now my BMI is about 20 and I don't bother counting calories. I'll burn more calories because the ratio between fat and muscle gives me an advantage. Muscle will actually burn fat. I have to admit that I do eat healthier today but that's not about calories. If you eat the right foods you can eat 5 or 6 meals a day and you're never hungry. Read the following post.

Why Do I Keep Gaining Weight?
It's not uncommon to have friends who can eat anything and stay thin as a rail.
Almost anyone with a weight problem knows someone who makes them simply green with envy. You know who I'm talking about—that person who seems to just eat endless amounts of food but never seems to gain a pound. It's so frustrating.  And it's especially hard if that person eats all the foods you love but you know you have to avoid them.
It often feels like I gain weight just looking at food. In fact, I've even said it out loud. This outcry usually happens as I watch a skinny person eat a donut while I munch away on a stalk of celery. If I think this way makes me feel better for a moment, but deep down I know that it's simply not true.
So what is the truth? The truth is that there are real reasons that some people are thin and some people aren't

Why Do I Gain Weight Easily?

It's very difficult to know the exact reasons why some people gain weight so easily while others seem to be immune to weight gain. They eat whatever they want while I eat almost nothing and get bigger. Of course, restraining yourself while you watch others indulge can be maddening.
And it can also make you feel hopeless.
But the truth is, my weight will always come down to my own eating choices and exercise habits. And yours does too. Fair or not, weight gain and weight loss is unique from person to person and always will be. But it's important to face the truth. It's not about feeling ashamed. It's more about creating hope.

Stop Weight Gain and Feel Better Today

If I want to stop getting mad, put an end to the frustration and stop gaining weight so easily, I need to look at each situation differently. And you can, too. We can take a moment to consider the skinny donut eater in a different light. Perhaps that person makes it a habit to exercise extra hard every day. Or maybe they have a "cheat" day now and again, but the rest of the time they eat healthy calorie-controlled meals.
And remember, metabolism greatly affects a person's tendency to lose or gain weight. Changing your metabolism is harder than changing your eating and exercise habits. You can strive to achieve a skinny person's eating habits or fitness level, but you just can't make their metabolism yours.
There are some factors in weight gain we simply have no control over. But there are others that we can change. There are hormones that affect hunger and metabolism. We can't control those. But I can make the healthiest choices possible when I eat. And I can exercise to feel good about my body, not just to lose weight.  Then if I still gain weight easily, I know that I'm doing the best that I can for my health and well-being.  
The change in perspective may not change my weight, but then again, it just might. If nothing else, it can make me feel better about my body and my any size.

Yes, I agree with this post, but I think that I should simplify some of what this author is saying. Your metabolism is simply the rate in which you burn calories and the higher percentage of body fat, the slower your metabolism. This is why it's so hard to lose fat. Don't get confused about weight loss. Don't worry about the scale. It's all about reducing your body fat. Increasing body fat is a sign of a more serious health problem. It started with the food your eating and you can start burning more fat by changing what you eat. Read my latest e-book for all the answers you need. Find out how I lost over 60 pounds. I have only about 20% body fat and I feel 30 years younger. No pills, no surgery, no expensive gym equipment or expensive meal programs. 

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 
There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. I’ll give you a discount coupon you can use at checkout. (PJ42H) not case-sensitive the price is $1.99 w/coupon

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