I had to reblog this post I found on VeryWell.com.
After working in the fashion industry for over 18 years, as well as with regular women from all over the world for decades, I know that "yes you can" help your body eliminate excess water retention regardless of age, shape or size. Although I have several tips, my primary two are: (1) movement to maximize lymphatic flow and (2) intake of what I consider the perfect plant protein, alfalfa.
From my experience, excess consumption of simple carbohydrates -- for example pasta, bread, sugar, and alcohol) can increase inflammation, as well as increase fluid retention. For every gram of carbohydrate you consume, your body retains approximately 3 grams of fluid. Protein and increasing lymphatic circulation can help your body eliminate that excess fluid.
Although alfalfa looks like grass, it is actually a legume known for containing high concentrations of vitamins and minerals, as well as protein. Just make sure to check the quality of the product and only consume organic alfalfa leaf -- no sprouts, stems or seeds.
In my opinion, regular intake of alfalfa, along with doing a couple minutes of lymphatic pumping movements -- like T-Tapp Hoe Downs or T-Tapp Butterflies can immediately impact your body's ability to eliminate excess fluid and inflammation. Just be prepared for extra trips to the bathroom!
Rebounding works well too, but once you know how to do Hoe Downs and Butterflies, you are free to pump away puffiness and bloat anytime and anywhere. It's my personal secret to enjoying dessert and wine without the worry of bloat.You can search the internet for examples of T-Tapp.
I write E-books and blogs about fitness and weight loss. I’ll show you the cheapest, inexpensive way to lose weight. Right now and for a limited time, my E-book, "How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight”, is $1.99 on all the major sites. Amazon.com, iBooks, B&N.com, Scribd.com, Kobo.com and many others in several other countries.

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