Saturday, April 9, 2016

Weight Loss Myths and Facts

These are some facts about weight loss that are promoted by the diet gurus but may not be true.

"diets don’t work" that's only true about high-calorie diet. What these so-called experts should be saying is that strict diets only work temporarily.

"starchy foods cause weight gain" Not really, starchy foods are can add weight if you eat too much. For instance, white potatoes in moderation are very healthy, but if you eat too much of a starchy food you will consume too many calories.

"small frequent meal promotes weight loss" Yes eating small meals will help you control your weight but you will have to eat more often. If you try this watch those calories and try to hold the line at 300 calories a meal.

"bananas make you fat" Not really unless you eat several a day. Bananas are a good source of vitamins, but when you're trying to lose weight eat calorie rich foods in moderation.

"quick weight loss programs don’t work" These plans will work but only for a short time.

"watch out for peanut butter" Peanut butter is another food that's high in protein and other vitamins but also high-calorie. Most peanut butter contains Palm Oil and that's not on your diet. So yes you have to watch out for peanut butter and only eat in small quantities. 

"starvation mode will cause weight gain" When you try to lose weight by restricting your food, your body will go into a starvation mode and start to hoard  your nutrition. So your body will start to add weight in order to avoid starvation. 

"skipping breakfast" This will not help you to lose weight. Skip dinner and just eat a piece of fruit, that may help you to lose weight. Always eat most or 70% of your daily calories in the first 6 hours after you wake up. This will keep you from getting hungry.

"high-intensity workouts" can help you to lose weight but they're very strenuous and are only recommended for the advanced person. Someone in good physical condition.
"is more protein good" It can be but you still need to limit animal protein, so do some research to find good sources of plant protein. A good number to shot for might be 80 grams of protein a day.

"natural foods are better" I have always found that natural food is better. Organic is better yet. And free-range poultry or other livestock is better than livestock raised in confinement.

"fat burners will speed-up weight loss"The only thing I found with fat-burners is that they speed up your heart rate.

It can be hard for new dieters to face the fact that weight loss is really hard. So, most of us are tempted to believe the advertisements, books and program endorsements that tell us that weight loss is easy. 
But the truth is that changing any habit is hard. Changing our eating habits is especially difficult because our physical, social, cultural and sometimes even emotional patterns involve food and these patterns are already developed.
Learning to eat a healthy diet is certainly possible. But it takes time and practice. Is it worth the effort? Yes, absolutely. But before you start the process it's important to gather support and set both short and long terms goals to guide you through the process.
I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight and exercise that will help you lose weight. I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.

My ebook is available at, www.B&, iBooks (download the app),, and many more. Price $3.99

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