Portion control for me was a form of starvation like those diet plans that sell you a meal in a box and it looks like a child's portion. Really, how long do you think you can stay on that diet? When I decided I had to lose all this fat I had; I did some research and decided to change all the food I was eating. I gave away almost all the food in my kitchen, including the alcohol, All the alcohol, beer and wine included.
I kept the bottled water, coffee, tea, rice, and seafood I had in the freezer. I read a lot about the Mediterranean diet plan, it's not a weight loss diet, it's the meal plan that Mediterranean people have eaten for generations. I found that I could eat all the food I wanted if I stuck to my plan. I would eat something every three hours, that way I was never hungry. I started with breakfast. I'd fry up some eggs and potatoes with some frozen peas, a glass of water and some black coffee. And whether I was hungry or not I would eat something nutritious like Greek Yogurt or fruit every three hours. Some times I would bring a half of sandwich and eat that around lunch time. I would never go over 300 calories at one time and I would eat 6 times a day. The last meal was around 7 pm and I always had a salad for the last meal. You should only use extra virgin olive oil and use a wine vinegar or lemon juice, nothing with sugar or anything sweet. You're want to keep the calories down.
If you take suggestions from the Mediterranean diet plan and stick to those foods and only drink what they suggest, you will never be hungry and in time, you will lose body fat. Part of the Mediterranean diet is more walking and with any plan you have to increase your activity level every day. When I first started I was skimping on breakfast and that's a big mistake. Whether you eat breakfast or not, that's the time to eat the heaviest foods. I was skimping and then during the day I was getting hungry but I increased the breakfast foods and then I didn't have any trouble getting through the day.
If your not losing fat on this diet plan you must be cheating. You're either eating food you shouldn't or skipping some meals and trying to make it up later. If you follow the plan it will work, but it will take time. Your body always needs a couple of months to adjust to a new diet. Have patients you will lose fat and become a healthier person. I lose most all my body fat. My BMI shows 20%body fat and I'm off the medications, I'm 71 and I jog, ride a bike and do yoga and my knee pain is gone. If you lose body fat and eat nutritious food you'll become a healthier, happier person and you can enjoy life.

I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight and exercise that will help you lose weight. I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.
My ebook is available at www.amazon.com, www.B&N.com, iBooks (download the app), kobo.com, scribd.com and many more. Price $3.99
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