"Can you look older because you're eating crap? Absolutely."
I like this post from WebMD.com. It tells you the truth about what bad food choices can do to your health.
“For example, eating too much sugar and processed carbohydrates (like some pasta, bread, and baked goods made with enriched flour) can lead to damage in your skin's collagen, which keeps your skin springy and resists wrinkles”, says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD.
“What's more, these foods put your overall health at risk. They are tied to diseases like heart disease and diabetes”, she says.
Did you know that Obesity can cause heart damage without any symptoms. Other foods, like fruits and vegetables, are good for your body and your overall appearance. When you look good, you feel good and your body is working the way it was built to.
A person can be considered middle-age even past 65 or even 70 by the condition of their body. Your body doesn’t know what the calendar is. Your body only knows that your not fully grown or that your are fully grown or that your getting close to “end of life”. And your body can determine this by the condition of your body. This is what is call your “biological age”.
Aging is really not about how old you are in chronological years, aging is about how old you are in biological years. A study done in a university in New Zealand recently showed that out of the 1000 people in a study of people in the late 30’s, some had a biological age as high as 60, some of them have actually stopped aging and some had a biological age less then their chronological age.
You can’t reverse aging but the study shows that in some cases people have actually stopped aging. Yes, some of this may be caused by the genes you were born with, but most of these people have stopped aging because of their diet and activity levels.
Everyone is born with a different set of genes and some genes maybe better then others, for instance we know that your genes depend a lot on the condition of your parents at the time you were conceived. As an adult goes through life his or her genes age along with the biological age.
So genes your born with do play a factor in your biological age and that maybe why some people in the study were found to have a biological age 20 years older then their actual age. But most of the aging process can be controlled by your diet and exercise.
Science doesn't know how long man can live. It only has history to go by. Science and a team from Google are doing research now to try and determine if man can live to age 500. Other scientists believe we can live to age 1000 in theory but I don't think any research is being done yet. No one really knows how long man can live.
Medicine may have it all wrong. Today Doctor's are treating the medical problems the patient has, but now they think that they need to be preventing the diseases and illnesses that people could get. Prevention is the next step for medicine. So in theory, if we never get a disease or illness then how long could we live?
You don’t have to age, it’s mostly up to you. You can slow down or even stop the aging process if you want. You won’t stop aging forever but in the study some of the adults did have a biological age younger then their chronological age. When your biological age is younger, your body stopped aging several years ago because of your lifestyle. If your interested, you can calculate your biological age by looking on the internet and finding the formula. Just do a search Biological Age and you'll find several websites to help you.
You can stop the aging process at any age if you take control of your diet and exercise. Losing body fat will make a big difference in your health. I have a friend about my age with a weight problem and his Doctor warned him he was pre-diabetic and would have to start taking insulin if he couldn't lose weight. My friend could remember when his father had to take insulin and he knew that wasn't for him. In 6 months he lost the weight and was off his medications. At the age of 60, he was one happy guy.
If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.
There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.