You've heard about the French and that the French have a diet that would put weight on any American, but they're thin. The men and women of all ages in France are thinner than Americans. When we first looked at their diet we thought that the red wine they drank was the answer. These people eat out as much as we do, they don't even know what low-cal means. So how do they do it? Well, first they walk more. City people don't use cars that much, They walk everywhere. Also, bike riding is more popular, gasoline has always been expensive in Europe and the people have learned to conserve.
Conserving on food is something that France has done since World War II when food was scarce. Also today food prices in Europe are higher than in the U.S. so their meal portions are smaller than ours and combine this with the increased amount of walking the French do and it's much easier for them to control their weight.
Now how does that help you? Well, there are studies going on today that is discovering that our meal portions maybe double of what we need. So how much food do you need? First of all, I think we all know that Americans eat too much and that we are a nation of overweight people. Studies have also been done in the far east. Thailand, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to see why those people have much less Cancer than North Americans. They found that the people there are very healthy. They don't have the weight problems we do and they are more physically fit. So are we the only country that is habitually overindulging? Well no, Canadians and the English are just starting to change with this new generation of young people. A lot of the Central European and Eastern European countries had the same problems.
So what's the answer? Besides the quantity of food consumed also the quality of the food makes a difference. In France for instance, they eat smaller meals but they also eat better than we do. In fact, most of Western Europe eats better than we do. And I don't mean more. I mean a better quality of food. Food is made with fresh ingredients and made from scratch every day.
After World War II Europe was pretty much in ruins. By the early 50's tourism was once again a major industry. But the rural parts of the different countries took much longer to recover. So farming communities didn't have electricity for many years.
After World War II Europe was pretty much in ruins. By the early 50's tourism was once again a major industry. But the rural parts of the different countries took much longer to recover. So farming communities didn't have electricity for many years.
Europe is really only one generation away from the Big War. It's this new generation today that don't remember the War and the recovery. So what does this have to do with you?
North Americans and some other parts of the western world consume about 3600 calories a day. That's twice the normal about of calories needed to maintain your weight. 267 million people in the U.S. are overweight. That's 2/3's of our adult population. The reason I wrote about France was their overweight population is a much smaller percentage. They have learned how to control their weight and our overweight population can learn something from other countries. Our diets are killing us and we need to wake-up before we lose the next generation.
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