Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There's No Magic Pill

Everyone looks for the easy way to do everything. We look for the App to change the stations on the TV, you look for the App to open the garage door, the App to do your Taxes, but for losing weight, there’s no easy way. Did You ever do a search: "lose weight” and see all the different websites that have the answer for quick or fast weight loss; just buy this or eat this and the weight will melt away. It won’t happen and if you lose weight it usually comes right back.

I lost weight by changing my diet and I never went back. And if I’m on vacation or go to a family gathering and I do slip up and eat something that will add fat, if you go right back to your meal plan the next day, any extra fat you added will disappear fast. When I changed my diet and started to eat fresh, mostly vegetables and fruit for dessert or for a snack, eating more nuts and not eating that food I use to eat. Not eating that food that put the weight on in the first place. I’m not a vegetarian, I do eat meat, but I stick to white meat chicken or tuna or wild salmon.

 My trick to losing weight is to eat as little animal fat as possible. White meat chicken has some yellow fat on the outside of the meat and It’s easy to remove, so you are eating meat that’s 95% fat-free. Fat on a fish is almost the same, the fat lays outside the meat under the skin. The advantage to eating fish is you get the nutrients from the Omega-3 fatty oil in the fish and salmon and tuna are rich in Omega-3. Other seafood has fish oil and minerals but for my money, I’ll buy wild salmon and tuna. I think you get more nutrients for your money. Red meat and even pork contain animal fat marbled through the meat. Some red meat is leaner than others but all animal meat contains animal fat. It’s a good source of protein but you can’t avoid the animal fat and that’s the part your system doesn’t process very well and will turn most of it into Body fat and store it.
Yes, humans have always eaten animal meat, but throughout history, man has never had a very long lifespan. On average, we probably live longer today than humans have ever lived throughout history. Having said that, science has no idea how long humans could live if we could eliminate disease and illness. 

Now we all know the science can’t remove all disease and illness in the next century, but we can change our diet and become healthier and whether science knows that or not eating healthy is the answer to longevity. That and exercise for your body and your mind will definitely keep you fit and active for many years to come. 

It would be nice to avoid all those health problems our grandparents had. And by eating healthy, I know I’m going to live a better, longer life. 

My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.
The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on iBooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

About Obesity

The meaning of the word has changed some since The Affordable Care Act passed. Now we adopted the British scale or the way they calculate Obesity. They use the BMI Method. By calculating your Body Mass Index, it tells doctors your percentage of body fat. So if your BMI is 30 or more you are now Obese. If your number is between 25 and 30 you're considered to be overweight and if you're less than that your normal. You should know your number. You can find out by using the BMI Calculators that are free on fitness websites like WebMD.com

So Is it our fault we're overweight, or not. I think it’s a little of both. Some of this we can’t help, but some of the fault is ours because we haven’t been keeping pace with the times. The world has been changing right before our eyes. The food industry has made the biggest change next to medicine. Most of our food today is processed. What does that mean? Manufacturers are in the food industry today and they’re making big money. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s we bought food from a grocery store in the neighborhood, you bought meat from a butcher and we could buy fruit and vegetables from a produce stand.  We could do all of this even in the big cities.

Today, your food comes from all around the world. Many of the foods are genetically altered to make the product more resistant to drought, more resistant to insects and altered to grow faster so It can get to market quicker. All of these changes will allow the grower to grow more product each year and make more money. So, why is that bad?

Humans have found out the hard way that processed foods aren’t very good for us. We have more cases of cancer, more obesity and we don’t get the same nutrition that we would get from locally farmed products. That’s one reason you see the organic produce in the stores today. Yes, they make more money from the organic foods, but people are demanding organic produce. We want produce that was grown without chemicals sprayed on them. Small organic farmers don’t make enough money to afford pesticides and fertilizers.  

So when you look at the changes in the last 40 to 50 years, for humans, they’ve been rather dramatic. In the sense that obesity and being overweight was not nearly the problem it is now. I mean, our rate has literally doubled. That’s a huge change. So, what happens? Number one would be, our genetics were set up for a life where one, we had to move a lot more, and two, there weren’t near as many calories, salt and sugar in our foods.

 We didn’t have this constant intake of calories. And so fast-forward now, 2016, what’s different? Ok, one is, calories are everywhere. Two, you take a bite of something, there’s many more calories per bite. And three is, our portion sizing is much, much larger. And we have data to show that.

The average man and the average woman, eat clearly twice the calories per day than, say, 50 years ago. So this is a tough one and the problem is, our genetics really were set up for people who were much more active. Today, we work more with our minds than with our bodies. In other words, we have millions and billions of bacteria in our intestines that actually have genetics, to try and hang onto calories and put them into the human body as well. 

Today’s human eats much more and has much more food available then people did 50 years ago. I was growing up in the 50’s and early 60’s and if I wanted a snack after school, my mother told me to get a piece of fruit. We always had apples in the house. Today, I still keep a bowl of fruit. Apples, pears or oranges and bananas.

As consumers, if we want to stay healthy, be a normal weight and avoid a lot of health problems that being overweight causes, then we have to pay more attention to the food we eat and the amount of food we eat.

People today just go along to get along and spend most of the time on remote. They go through their daily routine without giving much thought to what going on around them. They go through life eating and drinking whatever they want regardless of the harm they might be doing to their body. 

If we want to be healthy and fit we have to pay attention to your bodies need.

My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.
The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on iBooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Will Weighing Yourself Every Day Help You Lose Weight?

This approach works especially well for men, study says

I know weighing yourself every morning seems like a pain in the butt, but the idea is to remind you that you're trying to lose weight today. Some people do the same thing with one of the new fitness trackers and some of us use the bathroom scale. 
I prefer the fitness trackers. For me, it's a constant reminder that I'm overweight and I'm working to lose weight. But that's me, and you should find something that works for you. The object is that you want to remember your diet every time you look at food. This post proves that a constant reminder really works.
(HealthDay News) -- Checking your weight every day could help you slim down, researchers report.
A two-year Cornell University study found that tracking the results of daily weight checks on a chart helped people lose weight and keep it off.
"You just need a bathroom scale and an Excel spreadsheet, or even a piece of graph paper," study senior author David Levitsky, a professor of nutrition and psychology, said in a university news release.
People who lost weight with this approach in the first year maintained that weight loss throughout the second year, the researcher said. That result is significant because previous studies have shown that about 40 percent of weight loss is regained within a year, and nearly 100 percent is regained within five years, according to the study.
This approach "forces you to be aware of the connection between your eating and your weight," Levitsky explained. "It used to be taught that you shouldn't weigh yourself daily, and this is just the reverse."
While daily weight checks did help women, they had a much greater effect in men.
"It seems to work better for men than women, for reasons we cannot figure out yet," Levitsky said.
WebMD News from HealthDay
My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.
The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on iBooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Understanding Why We Gain Body Fat

Have you ever noticed that no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you exercise or no matter how many calories you cut, you still can't get rid of the extra fat. There could be another reason for your size.

My friend has a twin born at the same time but one guy's bigger and still is 40 years later. The bigger brother is overweight and the smaller one is thin and fit. The overweight brother can't seem to lose the extra fat. At family, gathering, they always eat the same amount of food but the smaller one never gains weight. So what's going on is pretty normal for siblings. I've read a lot about families with some overweight members and some thin members.

Research shows that we are all different even when we're twins. So even if we look the same, we all process our food differently. It's your DNA that's different. DNA is in every gene that you were born with and siblings from the same parents won't have exactly the same DNA. So in that respect, we are all different. Science is working on this right now. If everyone at the family table eats exactly the same thing, for some of them, it's too much and for some it might not be enough, but it's not just the quantity, because of different DNA each person processes that food differently. Maybe some of those people can't eat starchy foods, for example, their system can't process that much starch so the liver turns it into fat and stores it.

That can happen with any food group, my wife can't eat beef. She can't digest it. Some people can't eat dairy products, everyone's different even though we all look the same or come from the same family. 

You can still overcome these differences by listening to your body and understanding what your limitations are. It will take some work on your part, but if you really want to slim down and get back to a healthy weight You must take your weight problem serious and do the work, investigate your behavior and find out what foods are causing your weight problem. I know guys that are seriously overweight and know that bread and other bakery goods are their problem, but they won't stop. They won't change, they're in denial. Guys are harder to convince that “they need to make the tuff choices”. Generally, they won't change until their Doctor has the big “come to Jesus” talk about their health. 

People who can't lose weight dieting, don't understand what they have to do to lose weight. Just eating less of the same foods won't help you to lose weight. That's the denial I'm talking about. If you want to lose weight you have to change what you're eating.

Personally, I think the overweight problem is mostly genetic. Because of your DNA, you who are African shouldn't be eating Chinese or even Italian. Because of your ancestry, you should be eating more like Africans. Maybe the overweight problem in China is because of the recent prosperity and the introduction of food from different parts of the world. Even American fast food is becoming popular in China. Because of the DNA of different people and the relatively new craze of eating out and eating a big verity of different foods from different cultures, this may be causing the overweight problem. 

There's another possibility, and this one your Doctor can help you with. If you seriously want to stop the cravings you have to stop eating food or drinks that spike your blood sugar. Your blood sugar will normally increase when you eat, but you want the increase to be slow and gradual. We know that sweet foods or sweet drinks will spike your blood sugar, but now science says that wheat flour also will spike your sugar levels. And what's so bad about that you might ask. 

I'll explain as if you're looking at a graph. If a normal blood sugar is below 5.6 and you eat ice cream and your blood sugar spike to 8, and your body is working normally, your blood sugar will drop rapidly to say 4 because the effects of the sugar won't last very long, but now you're below your normal level and your body will trigger another craving to get you back up to your normal level of 5.6. Now these numbers are just numbers and if you're concerned about your level you want to see your Doctor and get a blood test.      

When you're overweight it's important to have regular checkups that include blood tests. High blood sugar levels are a serious problem. 

But let's get back to cravings, people that snack a lot often don't understand why, and snacks put on the weight. It can be caused by your blood sugar or glucose levels spiking and dropping so that you keep creating the cravings for more food. So we know sugary foods will spike glucose or blood sugars levels and now science thinks that wheat flour can do the same. Wheat flour is in almost any bakery goods. Bread, cakes, donuts anything that comes from a bakery. Now you might think because you don't eat wheat bread that you're safe. All processed flour is made from wheat flour or partial wheat flour. You want to start reading the labels and avoid foods with processed flour. 

Ever wonder why gluten-free is so popular now. Gluten-free means there's no wheat flour or any wheat in that food. Read the label on gluten-free bread and you find it's made of rice flour. Gluten-free products will help you control the spike in you blood sugar which in turn help you avoid cravings. You can buy gluten-free bagels, pasta, rice cakes, cereal and bread just to name a few at any of the major grocery chains. So gluten-free will help you control your weight and avoiding sugary foods and drinks will also help cut your calories.

This is the other part of understanding the problem. Most people think that losing weight is all about dieting or all about exercising. Yes, but it's important to understand how you gained the weight. 9 out of 10 people put the weight back in a few months. If you're going thru the trouble to lose the weight and don't forget the money your spending, it's important to keep it off. Losing the weight and staying with a moderate exercise plan will make you much healthier. You're going to feel like a kid again. You don't want to return to the old you, overweight and tired all the time.  

My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.

The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on Ibooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How to Lose Weight on 5 Meals a Day

I found this post on HealthNet.com and wanted to reblog it because this Chef thinks like me. This is the way I lost my weight. Read the following and believe me it works.

I'm a chef (and a mom). You might think that eating frequent meals wouldn’t be an issue.

I understand the concept: Five small meals a day takes the edge off your appetite, evens out blood sugar levels, and keeps your energy steady. But I confess: I don’t always eat this way.

Although my fitness trainer encourages me to eat healthy food every few hours, my meals usually look like this: coffee, a bit more coffee, lunch at 3 p.m., dinner at 9 p.m. I start over again the next morning. This is called "eating when you want and whatever you want".

When I decided to change this habit, I found that doing these five things helped:
  1. Plan ahead. Five meals a day equals breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. To do this right, you need to plan what you’ll eat every day for each “meal.” And you need to schedule eating every 2 to 3 hours.
  2. Stock up. Face it: You’re going to grab whatever food is closest. So stock up on veggies, fruit, healthy carbs, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
  3. Go for taste. Choose snack foods that will sustain you and taste good. Remember, healthy food can be satisfying.
  4. Whip up a smoothie. Blend fruit, milk, yogurt and a little honey for a sweet filling snack packed with vitamins, fiber, protein, and calcium.
  5. Combine carbs and protein to stay full longer. Try whole wheat toast with peanut butter or a hard-boiled egg; whole-grain pasta with olive oil and cheese; or oatmeal with fruit, milk, and honey. Or make yourself a big pot of soup (like my Tuscan chicken soup) to heat up for lunches or snacks.
It's a good plan but it's a little more complicated than that. For breakfast, you want 12 grams of protein with whatever you're eating. I eat 2 eggs and toast with peanut butter or some lean meat. No processed meat, like ham or sausage. You might prefer a protein shake. I make a shake when I have no time to eat. Almond milk and a banana, a serving of the protein powder and blend it for a few seconds, pour it in a glass or commuter cup and go. Your other four meals should all be about 300 calories. Space out the other meals about 2 0r 3 hours apart and don't skip a meal. 

The idea is if you eat healthy all day you won't get hungry. After the 5th meal, it should be about 6 p.m. and that's where you want to stop eating. No late night snacks. You want to eat the last time 3 or 4 hours before bed. If you are a person who stays up late you might want to try 6 meals a day. Just stick to 300 calories per meal.

If you really want to lose the extra flab you can get help, I write 4 blogs and I’ve written two E-books. Read some of my other blog posts.


E-books are the easiest and cheapest way to learn about any subject without groping through hundreds of website looking for the material you want.
My first e-book is “HowBadDoYouWantToLoseWeight” and it sells for $2.99 on most online bookstores like Amazon.com, BN.com, iBook, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, and Gardner books in the U.K.

My second e-book is available in the same stores. And on smashwords.com. If you use the Smashwords' promotional code You can get my second book for $1.99 (TL96R). Just type in the search line “getting to a healthy weight”.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Do Protein Diets Work?

In the 90’s, protein diets were all the rage. Remember the TV ad’s with the business women in a steak house eating lunch. The idea behind all that protein is to build muscle mass. Some workout fanatics will only eat meat, vegetables, and fruit; mostly meat. And drink protein shakes, water, tea or coffee. Your body’s mass itself will burn calories, but muscle mass burns much more calories then the mass created by fat and the muscle will also burn the fat you have because you’re not eating enough fat to feed the muscle. O.K., I know that might seem a little confusing but if your body is mostly muscle, the muscle will eat the good fat your consuming. Your body really does need some fat. But there’s good fat and bad fat and it’s the bad fats that are stored and never seem to get burned up. Bad fats are what you have to avoid. 

So, the idea is to eat large amounts of protein and very little amounts of carbs or fat, which might be great for those who like to take supplements. This type of diet and there were many like this one, were labeled “Fad Diets” because you can’t stay on the diet indefinitely. You're not getting enough nutrition, it’s not a balanced diet. So you end up taking supplements and that doesn’t always work. We don’t all absorb nutrition from pills the same way, so you might not receive the same benefits that say I do. 

Food is the fuel that runs your body, and if your body isn’t running right, I first blame it on your diet. Everyone knows, I would hope, that nutrition comes from the food we eat. In the last 50 years, our diets have changed considerably. We use to be more mindful of what we ate and how we looked. Today it seems like we only have time to stuff our face. Fill our stomach with anything to get us by for a few hours and we’ll worry amount it then. And the decisions on what we eat are usually made by how much money we have to eat and how much time we have. That’s one reason fast food and ready-made or frozen prepared foods are so popular. The freezer section of my neighborhood grocery is about 4 isles. Plain frozen vegetables and frozen berries are the only things I buy in the frozen food section.

Understand that I’m not against high protein diets, I just want you to understand that it’s a quick weight loss diet that you can use to jump-start a long-term diet plan. Some people need immediate results. High protein diets are great for us who like meat, eggs and cheese, but for vegetarians, it’s a bit more challenging. This is where you might need to do some research. The internet is a good source, or the library or bookstore. Many books and articles have been written about high protein diets. If you're looking for a way to lose the first 5 pounds quick, this might be one option. Check with your doctor or trainer first. 

Recently there’s been a new type of high-protein diet that most experts are onboard with. You can find a good example of this type diet on the doctoroz.com website. The Total 10 Plan is a high-protein diet that encourages protein supplements and plant protein, fish, and chicken. The plan only recommends red meat about once a week. Low-fat Greek yogurt is the only dairy on this diet and much of the diet consists of vegetables and fruit. These type of diets will recommend protein shakes for breakfast and fresh food the rest of the day. 

I personally like the Mediterranean diet which isn’t a weight loss plan, it’s the diet of the Mediterranean people for the last several centuries. Science first discovered that Mediterranean people had fewer health problems than others in the Western World. They didn’t have as much heart disease or heart-related problems in general. And similar findings were discovered in the far east. The similarities between the two are that both eat almost no red meat; they eat more fish and poultry, vegetables, grains and fruit. They both eat fresh and both have no chemicals in their food. 

The Mediterranean diet is my favorite because I have more choices and I like the foods. You can find this diet plan on-line under Mediterranean diet. You’ll see a 
“food pyramid” that shows you the different choices and how often you should eat each food group. It’s simple to follow and this will give you all the nutrition you need without taking supplements. You can eat all you want, just stick to the food chart. There’s no calories to count and you will lose weight over time. The important thing is that you will become a healthier person and by eating a better diet and eating fresh and doing the extra walking you will lose body fat, your blood pressure will improve and your cholesterol will go down. With this diet, the end game is that you become a healthier person. Doctors love this plan because you eat more fresh foods.


My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.

The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on Ibooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.

Monday, February 8, 2016

About Weight Watchers

I have readers every week that want to lose weight but don't know where to start. Most of   them have tried for years but have always gained the weight back. WebMD wrote  this post about Weight Watchers  after all these years it's still ranked one of the "top three weight loss programs" ever. The secret behind the program is the education and support they give. It's almost like AA for overweight people.

If you have been struggling with your weight problem it might be time to try to get help. The objection some people have had with the support programs has been "going to the meeting". These support programs will work, but just like AA, you have to realize that you have a problem and you have to want to change your life.

Changing your life and making that commitment to  go to the meeting and stick to the program; learn to  eat the right foods and prepare your own meals, and to help others that are first coming into the program, this is the commitment you have to make before you even join. Read the post and see what the professionals think.

The Promise

Pasta, steak, cheese, ice cream... You can eat what you want on Weight Watchers. While the popular weight-loss plan has been revamped, the basic principle of eating what you love remains -- though the program steers you toward healthier foods with its points system.
In its new program, called Beyond the Scale, fitness also takes a bigger role. You'll be encouraged to move more every day.
Weight Watchers isn’t so much a diet as a lifestyle change program. It can help you learn how to eat healthier and get more physical activity, so you lose the weight for good.
You can follow the plan online on your own. You'll track your food choices and exercise, chart progress, and find recipes and workouts. There’s a coaching option if you prefer one-on-one consultations by phone, email, and text. Or you can go to in-person group meetings, where you’ll weigh in.
Consumer Reports survey found that people who went to meetings were more satisfied with the program and lost more weight than people who used only the online tools.

What You Can Eat and What You Can't

No food is forbidden when you follow this plan, which doesn’t make you buy any prepackaged meals.
Weight Watchers assigns different foods a SmartPoints value, which replaces its long-standing PointsPlus plan. The concept is the same, though. Nutritious foods that fill you up have fewer points than junk with empty calories. But the eating plan now factors sugar, fat, and protein into its points calculations to steer you toward fruits, veggies, and lean protein, and away from stuff that's high in sugar and saturated fat. 
You’ll have a SmartPoints target that's set up based on your body and goals. As long as you stay within your daily target, you can spend those SmartPoints however you’d like, even on alcohol or dessert.
But healthier, lower-calorie foods cost fewer points.

Level of Effort: Medium

Weight Watchers is designed to make it easier to change your habits long-term, and it's flexible enough that you should be able to adapt it to your life. You’ll be tweaking your eating and lifestyle patterns -- many of which have been years in the making -- and you'll be creating new ones.
So, how much effort it takes depends on how much you’ll have to change your habits.
Cooking and shopping: Expect to learn how to shop, cook healthy foods, and dine out in ways that support your weight loss goal without skimping on taste or needing to buy unusual foods.
Packaged foods or meals: Not required.
In-person meetings: Optional.
Exercise: You'll get a personalized activity goal and access to the program's new FitBreak app, which suggests ways to get moving based on where you are and how much time you have.

Does It Allow for Dietary Restrictions or Preferences?

Because you choose how you spend your daily SmartPoints, you can still do Weight Watchers if you're a vegetarian, vegan, have other preferences, or if you need to limit salt or fat.

What Else You Should Know

Cost: Weight Watchers offers three plans: Online only, online with meetings, or online with coaching. Each has a $20 starter fee, but the company often has specials that waive the charge.
Within each category, you can opt to pay for 3-month or monthly packages. You’ll save a little more by signing up for the 3-month deal, with rates starting around $4.61 a week for online only vs. $8.84 per week for meetings and online, or $10.77 per week for coaching and online. Prices may vary, so contact Weight Watchers for the cost.
Support: Besides the optional in-person meetings and personal coaching, Weight Watchers has an online community, a magazine, and a website with tools, recipes, tips, success stories, and more -- including a section just for men. You can also sign up online for a newsletter.

What Dr. Brunilda Nazario says:

Does It Work?
Weight Watchers is one of the most well-researched weight loss programs available. And yes, it works. Many studies have shown that the plan can help you lose weight and keep it off. 
For instance, a study from The American Journal of Medicine showed that people doing Weight Watchers lost more weight than those trying to drop pounds on their own.
Overall, it's an excellent, easy-to-follow program.
Is It Good for Certain Conditions?
Weight Watchers is good for anyone. But its focus on nutritious, low-calorie foods makes it great for people with high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, and even heart disease.
If you choose any premade meals, check the labels, as some may be high in sodium.
Work with your doctor so he can check your progress, too. This is especially important for people with diabetes, as you may need to adjust your medicine as you lose weight.
The Final Word
If the thought of weighing your food or counting calories leaves your head spinning, this is an ideal program, because it does the work for you. The online tool assigns a certain number value to each food, even restaurant foods, to make it easy to stay on track.
If you don’t know your way around the kitchen, the premade meals and snacks make it easy. They’re a quick and easy way to control portion sizes and calories.
You don’t have to drop any foods from your diet, but you will have to limit portion sizes to cut back on calories.
The emphasis on fruits and veggies means the diet is high in fiber, which helps keep you full. And the program is simple to follow, making it easier to stick to. You can also find Weight Watchers’ premade meals at your local grocery store.
A huge advantage of Weight Watchers is their website. They offer comprehensive information on dieting, exercise, cooking, and fitness tips, as well as online support groups.
Be prepared to spend some cash to get the full benefits of the robust program. It can be a bit costly, but it’s well worth it to reap the health perks of losing weight and keeping it off.
Structured programs like this one aren't for everyone but if you have had trouble in the past trying to keep the extra weight off, maybe a structured program with a support group is what you need.
My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to Amazon.com and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.
The ebook is also at http://barnesandnoble.com and they have a special introductory offer right now. $2.99
Also available on Ibooks, Kobo, Scribd and many other sites worldwide.