A blog about my life battling weight lose and how you can lose weight and keep it off. It might be easier than you think.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Compulsive Eating And How To Stop
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Can't Do Yoga, Think Again
If you think you're not the yoga type, think again. Just about anyone can do it, and it's not about bending yourself into a pretzel.

Doing Yoga When You're Overweight
Friday, October 25, 2019
What Is The Mediterranean diet
- Olives and olive oil
- Whole grains, mostly in bread and cereal rather than pasta
- Very little red meat
- Fish and seafood
- Some cheese, but less milk
- Lots of vegetables and fruit
- Plenty of legumes and nuts
- A little red wine
How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
There's No Magic Pill
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Want To Live Healthy?
It Can Help Your Brain
- Meats
- Fish
- Milk products
- Some breakfast cereals
Eating the right food can help your muscles
It Can Help Your Bones
Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.
If you really want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.
There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, bn.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Can't Do Yoga, Think Again
If you think you're not the yoga type, think again. Just about anyone can do it, and it's not about bending yourself into a pretzel.
Doing Yoga When You're Overweight

Thursday, October 17, 2019
Can Your Diet Affect The Way You Think?
This makes sense to me. The idea of eating foods with nutrients is to give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy and do it's job. I think we forget that the blood carries these nutrients through the body for keep all the organs working properly and the brain is one of these organs and it needs nutrition too. Some if we're eating a high-fat, high-sugar diet like most kids today the brain will be effected. We already know that Trans Fats in your diet will cloud your thinking. So if your not getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals it follows that you might have a hard time thinking clearly.
The affects of your diet happen so gradual that we don't realize what's happening to us.
3 Ways Diet Impacts Your Mental Health
- B vitamins. People with low B12 levels have more brain inflammation and higher rates of depression and dementia. Falling short on folate has long been linked to low moods.
- Iron. Too little iron in the blood (iron-deficiency anemia) has been linked to depression.
- Omega-3s. These healthy fatty acids improve thinking and memory and, possibly, mood.
- Zinc. This nutrient helps control the body's response to stress. Low levels can cause depression. A great source is oysters, which pack 500% of your daily need of zinc but have just 10 calories apiece, Ramsey says. Mussels, which are rich in brain-healthy selenium, are also a good choice.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Quitting Sugar
I'm not to that point "yet", but I'm close. The problem with sugar is that manufacturers use sugar or a chemical substitute in everything they make. Go to other countries and or a real bakery and see if they put sugar in bread, but if you real the labels in grocery stores you might not be able to find a loaf of bread with some type of sweetener. To go one step further, I don't think you can find any food that is manufactured without having sweetener added. Is it any wonder that so many people have diabetes.
Anti-sugar fever seems to be on the rise. Last week, a friend who does not have type 2 diabetes asked me about my diabetes diet: “How many carbs can you eat without raising your blood sugar?” Another pal is on a 21-day-cleanse – no sugars allowed. And folks in my neighborhood recently formed a support group for going cold turkey on sugar, which one member claimed is harder than giving up cigarettes: “No one wants you to smoke, but they’re happy to see you eat a slice of birthday cake.”
With the publication of books like Gary Taubes’ The Case Against Sugar, in which he indicts sugar for health problems like obesity, heart disease and, of course, diabetes, the health-conscious are taking heed.
I have to admit, all of the hysteria is kind of amusing to me. To treat my type 2 diabetes, I abandoned sugar ages ago, so not eating the sweet stuff is second nature to me by now. Scanning labels for sugar’s aliases – glucose, simple syrup, fruit sweetener – has also become an ingrained habit. And after years of listening to people question my choices – “Are you sure you can’t have a bite?”, “One cupcake surely won’t hurt?!” – the idea of people without type 2 diabetes jumping onto the anti-sugar wagon seems tinged with irony.
Although I’m unconvinced that sugar is the root of all evil or the root of all disease, I’m also pretty sure that it’s not just “empty calories.” And while some diabetes groups preach sugar can be eaten “in moderation” my personal glucose monitor doesn’t agree.
So how hard is it to abandon sugar? That depends, I think, on how much sugar you’re accustomed to eating. If you’ve got a five-Coke-a-day habit, you’re probably going to have a rougher patch than if you only indulge in dessert on weekend nights.
Wherever you fall on the sugar spectrum, if you are thinking of going cold turkey, here are a few tips:
Seek support. Support groups can help if you’re having trouble going it alone. Talking about what you miss – chocolate chip cookies, mint ripple ice cream, a sugar high – might make it easier. After all, misery loves company.
Journal. Keeping a journal can keep you honest. Dieters have had a lot of success jotting down their daily intake. Logging your daily sugar intake before you try to stop might be a similarly powerful wake-up call.
Read labels. Sugar lurks in the darnedest places – from sugar cured bacon, to low-calorie fruit spreads to sugar tobacco-cured cigarettes. Familiarize yourself with its many guises and read carefully.
Substitute. If you need a hit of sweetness, I find frozen blueberries can do the trick. Or a little whipping cream mixed with vanilla. While you don’t want to trade in everything for artificial sweeteners, if you like the taste, ten-calorie Jello can make a good transition treat.
Forgive yourself. Going cold turkey on sugar isn’t easy. If you do give into an Oreo cookie today, remember that there’s always tomorrow.
Sugar is a habit and can be just as bad or as addictive as cigarettes. The problem with sugar, like anything else like salt or fats, the body can only process small amounts of it in a day. So, if you have a weight problem you probably have been consume too much sugar or other sweeteners, salt or animal fat which is also in dairy products. Once your liver becomes saturated with anything you have been eating in excess, your liver will slow-down it’s functions. In other words, work slower than normal. When that happens, the liver will turn more animal fats and sugars into body fat and process less than normal. That’s why you add body fat.
Once your liver has slowed down that’s when you have to stop “sugar” all together. Your liver will recoup over time, but you have to "clean up" your diet.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
"Clean Eating"
Some of us don't even know what that means, too sum it up: Clean eating means choosing real food and eating that food as close as you can to it's natural form. We know what healthy food looks like (or at least have some idea), so why is it challenging to eat healthy on a regular basis? Between a busy career, school, a significant other and kids—life happens, and suddenly our good intention to be healthier falls to the wayside.
- Eat minimally processed foods, or foods made from minimally processed ingredients.
- Eat mostly plants and plant-based foods.
- Eat animals and animal products that eat mostly plants.
- mass-produced
- consistent batch to batch
- consistent country to country
- specialized ingredients from specialized companies
- nearly all macronutrients are pre frozen (which means that the fiber is usually removed)
- emulsified (fat and water don’t separate)
- long shelf or freezer life
- Granulated sugar - Brown sugar -Honey - Maple syrup - Agave syrup | - Salt - Baking powder - Baking soda - Condiments (hot sauce, mustard, barbecue sauce) | - Canola oil - Olive oil - Vegetable oil - Peanut oil |
- Fresh fruit - Unsweetened dried fruit - Roasted nuts - Dark chocolate - Trail mix - Popcorn - Mozzarella sticks - Baby carrots - Cherry tomatoes - Whole-grain crackers - Yogurt | - Celery sticks - Bell pepper sticks - Hard-boiled eggs |