I want to stay healthy until I die. I don't want to end up with an oxygen tank dragging behind me or in a wheel chair. I don't want to be pushing a walker
A blog about my life battling weight lose and how you can lose weight and keep it off. It might be easier than you think.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
How Long Will You Live?
I want to stay healthy until I die. I don't want to end up with an oxygen tank dragging behind me or in a wheel chair. I don't want to be pushing a walker
Thursday, September 27, 2018
What Kind Of Shape Are You In
Surprisingly Simple Longevity Tests
Monday, September 24, 2018
Why Do We Have Fat?
So why is fat bad? you might ask. There is good fat and bad fat, I'll explain. Your body will try and process all the food and drink you consume, but some things that we eat can't be processed; it has no value to the body, so it's stored in fat cells for an emergancy. But in modern times we have no need for stored fat we wear clothes to protect us from the weather. When your body processes food it separates it into food it can use and the waste it can't use, but if your body can't process something or you over eat and the body hasn't the time to process it, then it gets sent to fat storage cells before the body can process it.
Our ancestors needed this system of fat storage because Man never knew when he would find food again. Because of the active lifestyle of our ancestors, always doing physical work, always walking about, there was never any thought about Man storing too much fat. Man was not designed to deal with excess body fat. Man was designed to store fat whenever possible for the purpose of survival. And yes we were given brains to deal with our evolution because over time we would evolve. But in spite of the brains we were given, we haven't done a very good job of maintaining our bodies. The body has no mechanism to control our weight. We have no way of knowing that we are eating too much.
Our activity level is much lower than our grandparents even. Today we do most of our work with our mind's. Yes, we do small things to keep us active, but the average office worker is only on their foot about 4 hours a day. So we do have to be more active all day long whenever possible. But that's not our only problem; American are in the habit of eating whatever and whenever they want. We have food available 24/7 and on average we consume twice the calories we should.
Her lies the problem. To stay healthy and keep a healthy weight you have to burn the calories you eat. Simply right? Not really. If man had a fresh food diet and only fresh food like vegetables, fruits and lean meat and some whole grain like brown rice and there was no other food; than Man wouldn't have a weight problem. As long as you were moderately active you couldn't eat enough to gain weight. But today we eat all types of food that give us no nutrition; the body can't process this type food and stores it as fat. We consume too much fatty foods that overload the Liver, so if the Liver can't process all the fat it passes through into the blood stream and clog up the arteries.
To be healthy and stay healthy you have to stick to a fresh food diet. Look up "The Mediterranean diet" and look for the food pyramid that shows all the choices. If you eat healthy you will lose body fat over time. By walking more, and I recommend the 10,000 step a day program for beginners that don't exercise regularly, you can lose the weight quicker. But losing weight does take time. Don't get discouraged, stick to the program and don't cheat. Cheat days only ruin all the good that you've done.
The Atkins Diet is an alternative. It's a little more restrictive, but it works. Check out both those, they are the best one I know.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Want To Live A Long Healthy Life?
We all have busy schedules, and sticking to a routine can be difficult. But Agus says automating things like when you go to sleep, eat meals and exercise can add years to your life. According to Agus, it doesn’t matter how many meals you eat -- it could be three or even five -- as long as you eat them at the same time each day. Why? Eating meals at different times causes your body to go into stress mode, which raises cortisol levels, says Dr. Oz. High levels of cortisol lead to spikes in insulin, which causes inflammation and can increase the risk of cancer.
You don’t have to wait for a headache to take an aspirin. Agus suggests you ask your doctor about taking this powerful anti-inflammatory pill once a day. Studies have shown that daily aspirin reduces the risk for heart attacks and strokes as well as for dying from common cancers, including colon, prostate, brain, lung and pancreatic cancer.
Sitting all day could be worse for your health than smoking cigarettes, says Agus. “Women seem to be more severely affected by inactivity than men,” he adds. A recent study found that women who sat for six or more hours a day were 40 percent more likely to die during the 13-year study than those who sat fewer than three hours a day.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Sitting Is The New Smoking
Today smoking is not as common place as 50 years ago, but we had fewer cases of cancer as a percentage of population than we have today. Why, because we were more active and we ate more fresh foods. You wouldn’t dream of smoking (and if you do smoke, you’re likely trying to quit), so why poison yourself with inactivity? But many of us do. Nearly 80% of us don’t get the recommended amount of exercise. Many experts agree the inactivity epidemic is more concerning than the obesity epidemic. Far more people are inactive then obese, but because inactivity doesn't cause cancer then it isn't as important.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Do Low-Carb Diets Really Work?
First, be clear on what you mean by a diet "working".
Low-Carb Diets Work for Weight Loss and More
How Are Low-Carb Diets Different?
Most weight-loss diets are based on the idea that we cannot trust our bodies' signals about hunger and satiety. Instead, we must ignore those signals and carefully and consciously regulate the amount of food we eat.
When I ask people what they like best about following a low-carb diet, they will often mention not feeling hungry, not having food cravings, and having more stable energy levels compared to other types of diets. This seems to be true even after the weight loss phase of a diet.
How Much Carbohydrate is "Low"?
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Define "Clean Eating"
Not eating processed foods is the biggest part of "eating clean". I was surprised to learn how many people don't really understand what foods are considered to be processed foods. Most people don't realize that bread is processed food and that some cheese is processed. These new kinds of milk like soy milk and almond milk are processed foods and may have chemical additives.
I just finished a sugar detox recently. For 10 days I couldn't eat anything with added sugar. I'm glad I did the detox, but it's difficult finding foods or drinks without sugar. I had to just buy the basics and make my own food. It's very healthy and I learned a lot and I have no regrets. The hardest part was not eating in restaurants. The other hard part was only drinking water, tea, and coffee. I could add lemon for flavor and add cinnamon to black coffee. I could eat salads in some restaurants but no salad dressing, only lemon, oil, or vinegar.
The reason I mentioned the sugar detox is if you want to get a taste of what it's like to "eat clean", try a sugar detox.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Why You Have To Keep A Food Log
Friday, September 7, 2018
Can't Do Yoga, Think Again
If you think you're not the yoga type, think again. Just about anyone can do it, and it's not about bending yourself into a pretzel. For men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities, yoga builds strength and balance. It's also a great way to ease stress.
Doing Yoga When You're Overweight
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Can You Think Your Way Thin?
Losing weight is a lot like quitting smoking. It is mind-over-matter. The ones that succeed are the ones that don't give up. Study everything you can find about weight loss and remember that we can't all lose weight the same way. What works for me probably won't work for you. You have to find what works for you.
After 30 years of struggling to lose body fat, I hit across something that worked for me. I had little success losing body fat until I retired. I took the time to study about losing body fat and after about six months of a healthy diet and exercise, I lost my last 20 pounds of fat.
Losing body fat should be your goal. Read up on weight loss and losing body fat. It doesn’t cost money to lose weight. The internet is full of free information.
But the quickest way and cheapest way is to buy an ebook online and get everything you need in one short read. I have two ebooks on Amazon:
How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight
Getting To A Healthy Weight
Check out one of them, I think you can find all the info you need and plenty of tips on how I lost my body fat.
Look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books.
Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find these e-books. These books give you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my books at Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Why Do We Have Fat?
So why is fat bad? you might ask. There is good fat and bad fat, I'll explain. Your body will try and process all the food and drink you consume, but some things that we eat can't be processed; it has no value to the body, so it's stored in fat cells for an emergancy. But in modern times we have no need for stored fat we wear clothes to protect us from the weather. When your body processes food it separates it into food it can use and the waste it can't use, but if your body can't process something or you over eat and the body hasn't the time to process it, then it gets sent to fat storage cells before the body can process it.
Our ancestors needed this system of fat storage because Man never knew when he would find food again. Because of the active lifestyle of our ancestors, always doing physical work, always walking about, there was never any thought about Man storing too much fat. Man was not designed to deal with excess body fat. Man was designed to store fat whenever possible for the purpose of survival. And yes we were given brains to deal with our evolution because over time we would evolve. But in spite of the brains we were given, we haven't done a very good job of maintaining our bodies. The body has no mechanism to control our weight. We have no way of knowing that we are eating too much.
Our activity level is much lower than our grandparents even. Today we do most of our work with our mind's. Yes, we do small things to keep us active, but the average office worker is only on their foot about 4 hours a day. So we do have to be more active all day long whenever possible. But that's not our only problem; American are in the habit of eating whatever and whenever they want. We have food available 24/7 and on average we consume twice the calories we should.
Her lies the problem. To stay healthy and keep a healthy weight you have to burn the calories you eat. Simply right? Not really. If man had a fresh food diet and only fresh food like vegetables, fruits and lean meat and some whole grain like brown rice and there was no other food; than Man wouldn't have a weight problem. As long as you were moderately active you couldn't eat enough to gain weight. But today we eat all types of food that give us no nutrition; the body can't process this type food and stores it as fat. We consume too much fatty foods that overload the Liver, so if the Liver can't process all the fat it passes through into the blood stream and clog up the arteries.
To be healthy and stay healthy you have to stick to a fresh food diet. Look up "The Mediterranean diet" and look for the food pyramid that shows all the choices. If you eat healthy you will lose body fat over time. By walking more, and I recommend the 10,000 step a day program for beginners that don't exercise regularly, you can lose the weight quicker. But losing weight does take time. Don't get discouraged, stick to the program and don't cheat. Cheat days only ruin all the good that you've done.
The Atkins Diet is an alternative. It's a little more restrictive, but it works. Check out both those, they are the best one I know.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
A Post From The "Hungry Woman" Website
I have great admiration for this women who know that she has a problem and knows she has to fix the problem. She has probably tried several times with little success but she doesn't stop trying. She will succeed, I know it and she knows it.
Not everyone can lose weight the same way. I personally think the Mediterranean diet could help her. You don't have to deprive yourself. No calories to count, just stick to the food pyramid for your food choices.