for a piece of your money. Don't swallow everything you hear or read, most of it is just
Hype. Most weight loss plans give you quick results but when 100 dieters were
interviewed one year later, almost 90% had put the weight back on.
Finding a reliable weight loss program is important. More than a third of people in the U.S.
are considered obese. And it's not just adults. The CDC says 1 in 6 kids are dealing with
the condition, too. Weighing too much puts you at risk for many serious health problems,
including diabetes and heart disease.
"Eat less and exercise more" has always been the golden rule for dropping pounds. But how do you really accomplish that? Here are the five must-haves in a weight loss program, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins.
1) Plenty of interaction and support. You want ongoing contact with the program's support team. Researchers recommend at least 14 sessions over 6 months. This might be in person or by phone or email. "Support is so critical in helping people through the weight loss process," Gudzune says.
2) Diet changes that are backed by science. "Things like the Paleo diet are very hot right now but haven't been studied with their effects on weight loss," Gudzune says. You want an approach that has solid evidence to support it works. This might be a low-calorie eating plan or meal replacements, or a well-studied diet for weight loss, like Atkins, she says.
3) Exercise encouragement. Opt for a program with some type of plan to get you moving more. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate activity (like walking) each week. You can divvy that up however you like. Keep in mind that exercise is key if you want to stay at your lighter weight once you've dropped pounds, but doctors say it's hard to lose weight with just exercise alone.
4) Behavior strategies. Your program should encourage things like weighing yourself, meal planning, or tracking your food or exercise.
5) Approved meds only. Steer clear of programs that push fat burners or other supplements that aren't FDA-approved for weight loss. The FDA offers a list of dangerous weight loss products. You can sign up for email alerts, too.
Weight loss is about changing what you eat and less about how much you eat. If you eat fresh, healthy food I think you can eat all you want. Fresh, healthy food is not processed, it's fresh, not frozen vegetables, fruit, lean meat, mostly fish, brown rice, and drink mostly water, tea or coffee. Don't add anything with calories and avoid dairy.
Follow a diet like this and don't go back to your old ways. Never cheat, no cheat days allowed and increase the walking and you will lose fat. The more you walk the faster you'll lose fat. I believe the more a person walks the longer they will live.
My new ebook is in online bookstores now. You can go to and type the title in the search bar: How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight? The price is $3.99. I think you'll find it interesting. I write about myself and my battle with weight and all the mistakes I made and how you can avoid the mistakes and lose the unwanted body fat.
The ebook is also at and they have a special introductory offer right now $2.99. Also available on iBooks, Kobo, Scribd, and others worldwide.